You Need Seamless Integration

The Chiropractic Software that Provides Seamless Integration

Posture Screen Mobile is fully integrated into Genesis Chiropractic Software.
Posture Screen Mobile

When you’re searching for the perfect chiropractic billing software for your practice, one of the most important aspects to consider is integration. After all, you have enough to do between managing your practice and treating patients — you don’t need to have to worry about how to make all aspects of your scheduling, documentation, billing and more fit together. That’s why we here at Genesis Chiropractic Software believe in delivering seamless integration for your practice.

With Genesis, you get a complete practice management solution for the chiropractic profession through an integrated web-based office solution that includes chiropractic billing services, scheduling, documentation and EHR functionality. Genesis’ scheduling module offers automated patient appointment reminders through text, email and phone and you’re even able to set reminders for upcoming appointments and missed appointments.

No matter the size of your practice, Genesis delivers with included support for multi-practices, multi-providers, task management, specific appointment types and a variety of scheduling reports.

And, to make your life easier, documentation is seamlessly integrated into our Genesis software. In just 15 seconds, you’re able to complete your SOAP notes and share them with other providers instantly. Genesis even gives you end-user customization so that you can ensure you get exactly what you need to run your office your way.

“I absolutely love the ease and functionality of Genesis Chiropractic Software! ~ Dr. Tabor Smith

Genesis also offers chiropractic billing services, giving you access to all your financial data from just one  login so that you don’t have to go to the time and expense of hiring and managing in-house billing personnel.

In fact, here’s what just one of our satisfied doctors have to say about Genesis:

Dr. Tabor Smith DCDr. Tabor Smith from Pure Life Family Wellness says, “I absolutely love the ease and functionality of Genesis Chiropractic Software! There are many different reasons why we love the software, but one of the most unique and convenient features for me is how well it works with our corrective care/posture based practice. I not only practice posture/corrective based chiropractic but I also teach chiropractors on how to properly evaluate/screen the spine.

I have conducted hundreds of spinal screenings, and trained hundreds of chiropractors to do spinal screenings, and the integration of the posture screen mobile into the Genesis Software is priceless. Literally, at the push of a button, all the info from our screening/posture check goes right into the system. I love it! I would highly recommend this software to all my friends and colleagues in the chiropractic profession. The software is number 1, and the people and service behind it are top notch. Thank you Genesis for helping me help more people!”

So, if you’re ready to harness the power of seamless integration to make running your chiropractic practice easier, more efficient and more profitable, call us today to schedule your Initial Practice Evaluation appointment, where we will help you determine how the Genesis software program can help you accelerate your practice growth, increase practice profits and reduce costs and risks.

Do what Dr. Tabor did.  Find out more by scheduling your own appointment right now.  Clicking the button in the bottom right will open a calendar to pick a date. Real numbers from your chiropractic practice will be used to show you how Genesis will improve 5 areas of your practice.

We call it a Dream Practice Analysis. Find out and then you can make an informed decision about increasing your revenue 62%, increasing your patient retention 26% and increasing your documentation compliance 32%, all in 33% less time as our clients have.

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