What Insurance Companies Don’t Want You To Know Chapter 1

What Insurance Companies Don’t Want
You to Know… And…
How to Beat Them at Their Own Game

The Secret Tactics They Use to Keep More Money Than You Think and Use It to Audit Other Chiropractors

Bonus: Going Cash: Myths and Facts

Table of Contents

About the author

From the Author

PART 1: What Insurance Companies Don’t Want You To Know 
Chapter 1 – Insurance Company Strategy – How They Really Make Their Money
Chapter 2 – How they rig the system
Chapter 3 – Their Tactics and their Rules
Chapter 4 – Kicking you while you’re down
Chapter 5 – The Fatal Blow – Let’s all go “Cash”!

Part 2: How We Can Beat Them at Their Own Game Together
Chapter 6 – Leveling the Playing Field
Chapter 7 – The Paradigm Shift
Chapter 8 – Taking Chiropractic to the next level – The Research – Now We’ve Gotem’
Chapter 9 – Streamlined interface –

Chapter 10 – When should you outsource?
Chapter 11 – What to look for in a billing company
Chapter 12 – The 3 Biggest Mistakes when choosing software
Chapter 13 – What Software Companies Don’t Want You To Know About Your Data Security & Liability
8 Secrets They Keep and the Truth You Need to Know
Chapter 14 – Software support pitfalls
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I’ve known Dr. Brian Capra for many years and have seen his admirable purpose and passion for the chiropractic profession. His efforts to create a book to give context to chiropractors on the issue of insurance should warrant some notice. I have been critical of the insurance industry for many years and have created programs to help chiropractors end insurance dependency. The goals of 3rd party payers and the goals have chiropractors do not come close to aligning. Take a look at what Dr. Capra has learned about the insurance industry – it will open your eyes.”

– Dr. Patrick Gentempo

bharon-hoag“Having spent the greater part of 16 years in the coding, compliance and insurance world of chiropractic I have seen things come and go. You see people that are so called experts that have made a career on attempting to scare doctors and staff into compliance. You see new software’s come and go that make promises but yet it all leaves a doctor more confused and living in fear. After meeting Dr. Brian Capra I was not sure if he would fall into the same category as others. I took me only a few months to realize he was different. He was not interested in scaring anyone but rather empowering them. Dr. Capra has touched this profession in many different ways but this book is another example of his attempt to create mental freedom for the chiropractor and their team. Dr. Capra and I agree that if we can remove fear, replace it with belief we can get chiropractors back to loving and serving as they were created to do. A must read for all offices!”

– Bharon Hoag – One Chiropractic

stephen-fransonIf you are going to play the insurance game in healthcare today, then you’d better play it right.  The moment you file a claim, you step into the ring with a heavyweight.  You’d better have done your homework. Any misstep can cost you dearly. Even if you consider yourself a “cash practice” or “cash-like,” you are still subject to the rules of the game.  Ask any non-participating provider that’s been whacked. 

Dr. Brian Capra’s What Insurance Companies Don’t Want You to Know is mandatory reading for anyone “in the fight” that’s looking to play within the rules,  maximize your returns, and not get hurt.  It’s an easy read and a quick study—definitely worth your time.

—Dr. Stephen Franson – The Remarkable Practice

john-davilaFor almost ten years I have had the opportunity to work side-by-side with Dr. Brian Capra for the benefit of our mutual clients. During this time, we’ve seen clients succeed in practice with a top notch collection percentage, all while giving the doctor balance between the time spent in the system and compliance.

—Dr. John Davila – Custom Chiro Solutions

jay-greensteinDr. Brian Capra is an innovative leader at the intersection of chiropractic and technology. The EHR/practice management system he and his team have created drives continuous improvement in workflow and efficiency. Brian is an expert at workflow design for chiropractic and other healthcare facilities. He has remarkable insight to help providers address their biggest challenges, be more profitable, and have the vision and foresight to know what the profession, individual practices, and patients will need in the future. In a word, Brian is remarkable.

—Dr. Jay Greenstein

peter-martoneSince starting with the Genesis AI platform in 2016, I have had more time off in practice (seven weeks) and have had record collection months.  I highly recommend the software, only if you want more money and more free time.


—Dr. Peter Martone deed-harrisonGenesis includes everything your practice needs for efficiency, patient care, and your bottom line. There is simply nothing else like it in today’s EHR market! Because we’ve chosen Genesis for our office, we are confident you should do the same.

—Dr. Deed Harrison – CBP


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