WebExercises is Integrated into Your Patient Accounts

WebExercises for Chiropractic

How does your Chiropractic Practice recommend exercise routines to your Patients? Webexercises works.

As a Chiropractor you know that patient exercise will greatly improve your patient outcomes. Patients get better faster with exercises but it’s a hassle to tell them which exercises, how many, how long, how to do them, etc. What do you do? Do you hand them a paper that’s been copied so many times that the letters are starting to be colored in? Shouldn’t there be a more efficient way to recommend exercises using technology?

There is! Webexercises has been integrated into each of your patient’s accounts within Genesis Chiropractic Software. With a few clicks of your mouse, you can choose the patient’s problem and the appropriate exercises are automatically pulled-up to help the problem. Then you can email it directly to your patient from the same screen. How easy is that?

Watch this Free 30 minute Webinar to find out more from Dr. David Cruz and to see exactly how it works. Learn how to use this tool to improve your patient outcomes and you might even impress them with the email exercises from your office. Enter your information and watch it now below.

Read the transcript:

Jason: All right then, it’s about four minutes past the hour so we’re gonna get started. I’ll introduce myself, Jason Barnes, Chief Operating Officer with Genesis Chiropractic Software. I’d like to thank everyone for joining us this afternoon. We do this pretty much every Tuesday so I know I see some familiar people who join us each week, so welcome. And for those people who might be joining us for the first time, excited to introduce a topic and a guest today. So a little bit of background information, I like to think we’re good at a lot of things here at Genesis, but we know we’re not good at everything. And so we listened to the suggestion of our providers and our providers have been asking us for tools that they can use to help talk to their patients, teach their patients, empower their patients. And well-informed patients, excited patients, ones who have better tools in their hands, we know stay with the practice longer and have a much higher tendency to refer their friends, family, colleagues, etc.

And so today, I’m really excited to bring to you a response to a number of requests and something we know that will help you do just that with your patients, and that’s an integration between Genesis Chiropractic Software and WebExercises. And what I’m really excited about is all the work that’s going into this between our two organizations and how that work together is going to help you. So today we’re gonna find out what problems we’re gonna solve with how patients can take information that you want them to have for both clinical treatments as well as things they can do just to improve functional aspect to their lives. And to do that I need to introduce Dr. David Cruz who is the President and CEO of WebExercises. And not to mention that he actually is a chiropractor and actually ran his own practice successfully for a long, long time. He’s passionate about this topic, so I won’t do too much more in the way of introduction, but I want him to do all the speaking for his own merit because frankly, I’ve talked to him a few times now and he knows exactly what he’s doing and so I’m gonna introduce one of founders and President of WebExercises.

David: Hey, thank you there. I appreciate that intro and really excited to be here and really excited to be working with Genesis and Vericle on the integration. A lot of work went in so we’re excited to get this going. As Jason was saying, I did practice for about 18 years. I had a sports medicine practice and the foundation of WebExercises really came at a point about 11, 12 years ago to where, how can I do a better job with regards to engaging patients, getting them to do active care? Because when you combine active care with chiropractic, there’s nothing better in the literature that is gonna show with regards to outcomes. But there’s always the challenge of there’s only so much time you have with regards to trying to get them the right exercises, reviewing the exercises. How do I connect with them, and how do I just reconnect with them? So that was really the impetus and that was the start of WebExercises that, again, I started the company about 11 years ago. So what I wanna do is just go through a brief PowerPoint just kind of highlighting some really I think important points with regards to exercise and chiropractic. And then really just taking you into the software and give you a demo and a feel of exactly what it is and how it can be utilized. Hey, Jason, we’re getting some feedback. I don’t know if that’s on your end?

Jason: It’s gotta be me. I’m the only one who’s not muted, so I’ll mute myself. And I’ll make just make one announcement. If there’s any question that people have, we ask that you type them in. And we’ll answer them, and I’ll mute myself. And I apologize for that, Dave. We’ll get started.

Dr. Cruz: No worries. So as I mentioned I wanna go through a couple slides just to kind of frame up what we’re gonna talk about with the demo and really kind of just dive straight into this great [SP] software integration to show you how it can improve your practice with regards to efficiency, even generate some revenue through active care, how to engage patients, and how to re-engage patients. So one thing I like to start with is just from a historical perspective. So often it’s thought of as chiropractic and exercise are two different things, and it’s more of a newer concept. But if we look from a historical standpoint, chiropractic and exercise goes back to the early 1900s even with a lot of the chiropractors adopting the teaching of a guy by name Bernard McFadden and in a way he called physical culture and helping patients with exercise, diet, just wellness overall, what we’ve always done.

And this a great picture from BJ’s clinic in 1945, which has a gym. So I kind of laugh at anybody that says, “Well, exercise isn’t in part of chiropractic.” And anybody that says that doesn’t really understand the real history of chiropractic as far as I’m concerned because it is a cornerstone of what the profession was founded on and what has been taught going back to Davenport. Because BJ knew that when you combine physical activity with chiropractic, you’re gonna get the best outcomes and now we’re seeing from evidence perspective as well. So when we talk about just improving outcome, you know, we see it with whiplash from acute injuries and if you look at this article on this quote from Bob Duke, the number one researcher with regards to the disc and his lumbar modeling with disc and spinal pain, I mean he even talks about we need to be prescribing exercise for better outcomes or from the “Annals of Internal Medicine”. It’s just we need to include cognitive behavior which is talking to patients, exercise, spinal manipulation, these interdisciplinary approaches, not just rest or pain medication. It is active care in exercise which is so well established in the literature to give the best outcomes.

So as we kind of look at how to do this, how do I become successful at that? Well, there’s a couple key points and I’ll show you these as we get to the program, is that when you give an exercise program, we wanna make sure everybody does it in proper form or they know what they’re doing. The number one cause of injury is a history of an injury in that same area. And the number two cause is asymmetries which is compensation. And so when people have pain, they compensate so that’s why when they come in for care, we wanna make sure that you work with them in the sense that they’re doing the exercises properly in good form. And then they have something referred to what is that good form when they’re out of your office. And then you wanna do just get them on a regular program just minimum two times a week from a behavior change standpoint. You don’t need to get them to do it five, seven days a week. Let’s just get them to do it a couple days. We want it from a behavior standpoint because we want it for the long term.

Short term, everybody is on board. And I know when I practiced, people come in, it’s like when they’re hurting, “Hey, doc, I’ll do whatever you want. You want me to go bake cookies. You want me to stretch five times a day. Whatever you tell me, I will do because that’s gonna help my pain.” But as soon as the pain stops, guess what happens? Compliance drops. And that’s where, short term, people are super compliant. Long term, only about 23% of the time they stay compliant. So there’s a huge decrease in that. So what can we do to re-engage them? So I’ll talk, and I’ll show you that. And then when they come back in, talking to them and reassessing, watching them do those exercises again because it’s really crucial to, again, engage patients, watch them do their exercises, making sure they’re doing it right for the best outcomes. And when we give a prescription, your adjustment is going to maximize these benefits.

There’s a ton of literature that talks about even in the low back how the chiropractic adjustment is gonna cause [inaudible 00:08:25] muscles. It’s gonna decrease pain at [inaudible 00:08:29] postural reflexes. It has all these great effects which then is complemented with exercises. So that’s what we wanna get into is how can I make it simple? How can I make it effective for you to progress, track, and monitor patients from an active care perspective? So as we kind of move forward, the keys to success or some of the keys to success and there’s a great article out of the “Canadian Chiropractic Journal”. They looked at what’s gonna be successful in a home exercise program and what they talked about was the home exercise program shouldn’t stop when there is a resolution of pain or resolution of symptoms. You should continue that going from a wellness perspective to keep people active and healthy.

There’s even good evidence that shows when the pain stops, that doesn’t mean that the muscles are working as they should. So don’t let pain be the indicator of when you stop an exercise program or when the patients should stop there. We wanna be realistic in the goals. We don’t wanna overdo it with people because we don’t want them to fail at this. So really kind of set reasonable goals. We have some handouts, which we can send you on talking about this making one or two exercises to start with. Just something that they can be successful with and building on that. And then with regards to compliance, checking in on them, having them do the exercises in your office so they know that you’re gonna be checking up on them. And how can we help build your brand with WebExercises? Well, all the exercise programs as well as you can print for your documentation and handouts but you are gonna be able to share these as well via email. So they can watch a video demo of the exercises. So anytime, anyplace, they’re gonna be able to see how to do those exercises properly. So when they come in, hopefully, they’ll be doing that properly and you can progress them accordingly and move them on to a little more challenging exercises.

And then we also want to show you a really cool tool to share exercises via social media to help build your brand through Facebook to engage patients through Facebook. Because so often, once patient leaves the office, we don’t engage them that often. Well, let’s keep them engaged through exercise. It becomes a really authentic way to talk to people and talk to your patients. So what I wanna go into is really just a demo of the product and talk to you about some of these things which I just said. I’m gonna switch screens, and now I’m gonna be into the interface. So as you get into the interface, what you’re gonna see is this. It’s gonna be a single sign-on process, which means once you sign-on and get access to WebExercises, you’re going to be presented with a way to search for a variety of exercises. You can search neck, you can search shoulder, you can search hip and low back. And you can simply go, “I need a low back exercise with a, for instance, stability ball.” And there’s all sorts of different search criteria to make it simple in finding exercises.

You simply just search for that criteria, and this calls up the exercises. I can click on any thumbnail and see instructions. I can edit any text. I can even watch a video demo. And this is what’s gonna be sent to a patient so they can see exactly how they’re gonna be performing the exercises. Because after they leave your office, they’re likely not going to remember everything you said. So that’s why it becomes so important to get them this remotely so they can follow up and do these exercises. The search engine is such that you can even type in keywords even like I can type in whiplash, for instance, and pull up exercises that are gonna be good for whiplash. So anything from range of motion to some isometric strengthening to even some with resistance bands to help progress patients through that. And again, these are photos and videos which you can send to your patient because we want them understanding. A patient that understands what they’re supposed to be doing is gonna be more engaged. Somebody that’s more engaged is gonna be more success what they do.

And so the search criteria here really just allows you to go through this and simply find exercises based on what sort of criteria you would like. To get started, I wanna take you through what it would take to actually put a program together and just show you how simple it is and how time-saving it can be. Now, before I do that, I skipped over protocols. Protocols are extremely easy to use. You can build your own or you can use any of ours. You can put together, for instance, some of your neck and back favorites or ones shoulder rehab for your throwing athletes. These become very, very helpful when creating programming for similar patients because we all know that a lot of patients we treat are very similar. We all start patients very similar with exercises but then can change and vary. And that’s what template allows us to do. We also have 45 evidence-based protocols so you might have a patient with a sprained ankle. So instead of searching our database for, “What I’m gonna do from a sprained ankle?” Just use our protocols. It can show just a variety of different…I’m just gonna scroll through from [inaudible 00:14:04] to runners knee to ACL tears, to low back pain. So just all sorts commonly found just musculoskeletal conditions which you treat day in day out to make it simple.

The other thing which is really great, which we would really like to also give back is in the sense of some of the data which we get is that the clinical best practices. This is an aggregation of what all providers are doing [inaudible 00:4:33] exercises. We’ve had I think five or six million exercises, more than that actually, go up through our platform. And what we’re able to do is say, “I wanna see the top 10 low back exercises that are being prescribed.” Now the significance is that that has to do with standard of care. I used to sit on the California State Board on review cases regarding standard of care, and what we always looked at is you’re gonna be judged against your colleagues given a similar circumstance or similar case, right? So meaning what would I do versus what would my colleague do or any other colleague given the same circumstances with regard to that case? Kinda that’s how you’re judged or one of the things which are judged upon with regards to standard of care. What evidence-based and best practices does is you can with pretty much reasonable certainty, if you search and say click on low back, if you select a couple of these exercises, say I want to get started with these three exercises for this patient, I’m certain that there’s thousands of providers that have given these same exercises for patients. So you’re not just searching exercises based on your opinion. You’re searching it based on what thousands of other providers have done.

And let me take you through how simple it is to create a program. I’m gonna get in here. This is under the patient info. This is your history of every program. So I can go back at any point and see an exercise program I’ve given. So I’m gonna go back to the patient info, or I can see the current program. The current program I can print and email. When I print this, it’s gonna print with instructions. It’s gonna print with all the information we need. And I’m seeing that we’re gonna update this with Genesis. It’s in Vericle. I’m just seeing that right there. So it prints with the information, I’m going to cancel this out so you can see it, instructions, a calendar that’s specific to the days and frequency you want. If you want that patient to do a program for one week, it builds a one-week calendar. If you want them to do for six weeks, you build a six-week calendar. It’s also gonna have your name, clinic name, information in the upper right-hand corner give patients the information what they need.

I’m gonna go back here. I can print these in one, two, or four exercise per page or when there’s an email in the account that comes from Genesis and pushed in here. You hit Email RX, and it gets pushed out to them. So they can see exactly what they’re supposed to do with the video demo. The other thing, from a compliance and billing standpoint, I’m gonna click on this, hit print. This is your prescription summary. And it makes it really easy from a documentation standpoint. You, as a clinician, don’t need to know all the instructions. You just need to know what I gave to that patient on that specific day. And you can have this printed in seconds and then put in the patient file.

You can also… excuse me, save this as a template. The template makes it very easy, as I said, but if you create something which you like, you can save it as your favorite. I’m gonna go and create a program right now. So I’m gonna cancel this out so I can start from scratch as if I had a brand new patient. All I do is I go create new RX. Let’s say I have a lower back patient in here. I’m gonna go to the Vericle protocols and go to low back. This person just has a low back strain. I hit refresh and that loads. Now, I can do one of two things. I can say, “I’m done and that’s all I need to do,’ or I can edit it. Let me edit this. Excuse my voice. I did a trade show last week so my voice is still kind of toast from that talking for a few days straight. I’m gonna edit this. Now I can remove some if I want. I just click Remove, Refresh. I’ve just gotten rid of a few now. Acting a little slow right now. Sometimes a screen share slows it down. There we go.

Now if I wanted to, say, add an exercise or two maybe a different core exercise, I would go Search. It brings up this, hit core, and now since I’m in the middle of prescription, it has these checkboxes. So now simply all I have to do is select the checkboxes I want. And now I can hit return to RX. I can change how long I want what them to do this. I’m only gonna have them do this a week because I really wanna monitor them. I can change this like you might wanna have them do this daily. I can type in a comment, “Perform as tolerated” for instance. I hit next, then I’ll finish. And at this point, I’m done. I don’t need to do anything else. I simply can select all and print these or I can email it to the email address that’s in there. So it makes it very simple for me to create, track, and print exercise programs. If I wanted to save this as a template, the nice thing is gonna be that I can just go Save as template, and this is gonna be “My New Low Back Protocol.” There.

Refresh is kind of a save. Now, I hit Next and now I’m finished. Now, all I would need to do is use the one click for the new protocol right there as I have another patient come in with a low back strain. The other thing I wanna to show you is the quick RX because it’s exactly that. It’s just a template-based really simple. I select duration and I have them do this for three weeks. I say, “Let’s go to my protocol I just created,” My New Low Back Protoco. It auto loads it in, and I simply just choose the couple that I want. I just want them to do these four. Create. At this point, it’s done. So in a matter of seconds, the quick RX is essentially that, very quick, very simple. It automatically brings up the two exercise per page, print page, which you can see, we just condensed it down. So as…let me get rid of this. So let me go back to the exercise search. So as I was saying as I started, it’s a way to really get patients exercise programs efficiently and effectively. These can be billed under your standard 97110 your 97535, 97530 therapy codes.

You obviously wanna make sure it’s a minimum [SP] value of 8 minutes to 15 for your one unit and 23 plus minutes for your two units. But it makes it very simple. If you’re not actually billing for therapeutic exercises, you need to. As you probably all know with the shift within health care, as more and more past modalities are not being paid, the one thing which is in most states that is continuing to be paid is active care because insurance companies from PI to private insurance and even workers’ compensation feel that they need to have an active care model. We know that within PI if you don’t have active care in a PI, you’re gonna kill the case. If you know within work comp if you don’t get back to functional restoration, you’re not providing the treatment which is…ultimately should be. So active care is a huge component, not only with regards to PI, work comp, but now private health insurance is really looking at that because they want people to be active. They want people to be active long term because that drives down health care costs as you know. The low cardiovascular fitness has a higher mortality rate than diabetes, heart disease all these chronic diseases that we see so often just low cardiovascular fitness, which is exercising less than 3 times a week for 30 minutes was categorized as low cardiovascular fitness. So getting people to move, getting people just up makes significant impact, and you’re able to re-engage patients as well.

One way I wanna show you to re-engage is what we talked about through exercise. If you send out a program for two weeks and then if they drop off, that’s a great opportunity for you to re-engage to get them back in the office. Then they should understand how important that exercise program is to their overall care. So it’s a great opportunity to reach out to them about how their exercise program is going and getting them back in. I think it comes from a very authentic standpoint in trying to provide this wellness perspective and approach through exercise. The other way is, I’m gonna load up another screen here, is through our partner in Share WebExercises. Some of you may be familiar with this. It’s AmpLIFEied started by Jason Deitch. We have our own library in here. And so what you’re able to do is by simply clicking the Share button, this will automatically post to your Facebook page. So what we wanna help you do is build your brand, build awareness through your social media using exercise. There’s no better way to get people to move than through social media because everybody’s checking their phone. Everybody is on social media. So we encourage you. It’s a free service, so go to AmpLIFEied and sign up and use our Share WebExercises, not only from engagement but also help to build your brand. With health care becoming more challenging, really differentiating yourself, your clinic, your skill set, and what you do really makes a difference.

And with WebExercises in its integration with Genesis, we can help you do that. We can help you re-engage those patients. we can help you differentiate you to the clinic down the street. And you can start even providing if you’re not already doing active care, we can start to increase your services and actually increase revenue. Revenue, again, is either gonna be from a reimbursement…insurance reimbursement or through private. But bringing in exercise as this trend to wellness is moving in health care, it’s essential, and it’s gonna be a cornerstone. Exercise is not going anywhere. It’s just getting bigger and bigger. So we hope that the integration with Vericle and Genesis what we’re doing here is gonna help really maximize that impact for your patients. Jason, I’m going to have you come on back. I don’t have anything more specific. I can also drop filters in here where you can even search myofascial release with foam roll. You can search body positions, for instance, all sorts of different search filters.

Jason: Can you hear me?

Dr. Cruz: Yep, I can hear you. There we go. Type of equipment, you can even search by type of muscle. So all sorts of search criteria because we know all providers wanna search for exercises [inaudible 00:26:24] and that’s experience we’ve gained over 11 years is learning how providers search. But we also wanna continue to learn so give us feedback as you get in and use it because that’s how the product gets better with more and more feedback.

Jason: Well, there’s two questions if it’s all right if I shoot those over to you [inaudible 00:26:43] right now?

Dr. Cruz: Yeah, please.

Jason: The first was about the integration more specifically about how the patient accounts get created how those email addresses get populated. Most of our clients when they’re creating those patient accounts are including the email addresses in there. And the question was, will those automatically come over from Genesis over to WebExercises? The answer to that question is yes, guys. You don’t need to type those in again. And the only question I’ll ask you, Dr. Cruz, is when you actually click that when you sign up for the WebExercise accounts and it’s either connected to Genesis, are you able to email right out of that application? So right then and there you can choose to send a patient that and they’ll get that?

Dr. Cruz: Yeah, absolutely so if you’re looking at my screen here if I… day one let’s make this real simple. Day one you would create new RX and if you wanna make it simple, all you do is go, “I have a patient with a low back injury.” I hit refresh then I hit finish. I’m just gonna go with the what the suggestions are. I’m done. As you said, that email got pulled in. So all I literally do is hit email RX done, 15 seconds or less, program’s created, documentation, sharing with the patient, done.

Jason: Okay, the follow-up question to that from the same person is, the next time the patient comes in there and they wanna access this information to ask them, “Hey, how are those exercises specifically,” and they wanna look at the ones they emailed to them, how do they do that?

Dr. Cruz: How do you do that or how do they do that? I’m sorry.

Jason: How do they do that? How does a doctor, clinician when they wanna follow up with a patient, go in and see what they sent them or what they recommended to them.

Dr. Cruz: Okay, so I go in, I get presented with this, the patient information tab. I simply click on the date at the top. It’s chronological so I simply click on the date and that brings up in my current program right there.

Jason: Got it. That works. And the other question I think we’ll attack in just a moment or two. The other question is how do we get this? We’ll definitely close with the information necessary with how to engage this [crosstalk].

Dr. Cruz: Great sounds good. I’ll let you take it over. I wanna thank you for allowing me to share this integration. We have thousands of exercise in here. We continue to update the database. We continue to make changes and updates because nothing is ever static in exercise. Exercise is moving. So with regards to software and software development, we always like to keep you [inaudible 00:29:32] as well.

Jason: Awesome. Hey, I’d really like to thank you before you stop sharing your screen, up along the menu bar the second to the last option you see there, you’re gonna see the app button, Dr. Cruz. No, actually a little lower actually within Genesis itself.

Dr. Cruz: Got it.

Jason: To the left there…that menu bar’s to the left where your mouse is. There you go. Underneath your welcome… there you go, perfect. So click on that button, please.

Dr. Cruz: There you go, sorry. I thought you said ask as in ask a question.

Jason: Yeah, I have a New Jersey accent so it’s awful. So this is an app store and you have actually because you’re in a demo account right now, access to a few of them that we wouldn’t show just about anybody or everybody but that’s okay. And scroll right back up to the top, Dr. Cruz. You see the my subscriptions? Click on that one. This one’s already subscribed, this account, so it would be under available apps for anybody else. But you can simply click on the WebExercises app in your app store. So just like we were able to talk Dr. Cruz into finding the app at the top, you guys find this within your system, you click on this, you come on over and you click on the WebExercises logo itself or the word. I believe you actually click on WebExercises. And if you do that now, Dr. Cruz if you don’t mind.

Dr. Cruz: Yep.

Jason: Perfect. I think you actually have to click on WebExercises. There you go, and you’re already subscribed but if you weren’t, it would have subscribe. And what that does is we’ll actually reach out and the next question that Dr. Neil just typed in, which is already answered in here. The cost is 34.95 a month to gain access to the WebExercise. It’s listed right there in your app store. And you’ll subscribe to that. We will get you set up. We’ll contact you to make sure we link the account so that you guys have the access you need and it’s set up the right way. It’s pretty much is done with just a click, but we do reach out to make sure that actually working and operational for you guys. We got the [inaudible 00:31:49] thank you for answering the question. I also typed back to the other people that are asking questions and, Dr. Cruz, they all confirm that you did answer them by the way.

Dr. Cruz: Okay great.

Jason: So I would really like to thank you. Great information and we’re really excited about this integration, and we know a lot of people will take advantage of it so…

Dr. Cruz: Great. We are working on training that…last point is when you come on board, we are working with the Vericle Genesis team on doing some webinar training to make sure that everybody knows how to use the software properly to its full extent because we want people maximizing its utilization. So information will be coming regarding that as we work those details out.

Jason: Awesome. that’s it for all the question. I’ll give somebody just another second here. If they have another question, please, type it in now. Otherwise, we’re going to wrap it up and that will be that. All right no other questions. Well, Dr. Cruz thanks again. That was fantastic and for anybody who would like to hear this again, it usually takes us until Friday, but we will have this on the genesischiropracticsoftware.com website. Check it out under Resources and it will be [inaudible 00:33:11].

Dr. Cruz: Great. Thank you, again. Appreciate it and look forward to, yeah, working with you and Genesis.

Jason: Perfect. Thanks a lot have a great afternoon everybody.

Dr. Cruz: Thank you.


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