Get Staff Buy-in to Chiropractic Software

Getting Your Staff to Buy-In:

How the Team at Genesis Goes the Extra Mile

When you are searching for a chiropractic software solution to your chiropractic office needs, you know you need a certain level of buy-in from everyone in your practice. Without buy-in, your office will never reach the levels of success you know are possible, leaving you and your team frustrated. The question becomes, “How can I get others to commit to learning a new process, to engage? And who can help me get my team up to speed as fast as possible?”

“How can I get others to commit to learning a new process, to engage? And who can help me get my team up to speed as fast as possible?”

While other chiropractic software solutions are available, Genesis offers a level of support and assistance unmatched in the industry. Everyone on the sales and support teams are there to help you get the most from your deployment. Rather than me tell you this, why not let our clients share their insights into this critical part of the process –  getting the level of assistance, guidance, and help your team needs to succeed and buy in to your new program.

Drs. Pilar & Joe Labriola have buy-in for Genesis Chiropractic Software.
Drs. Pilar & Joe Labriola

Here are a few comments from actual clients below, and they related their experiences with our team here at Genesis Chiropractic Software.

Dr. Mike Hall from Midpoint Family Chiropractic in Arlington, Texas says, When it comes to customer service, you won’t find anyone better. Everyone is always friendly and helpful. If they don’t know the answer, they will find someone that does!”

Dr. Joe Labriola from the Chiro Health Spa in Ramsey, New Jersey says, “Our biggest criteria are that the company is judicious about updating their system and customer service. Both get high marks from us.”

And finally, consider what Dr. Jon Scott at Advanced Chiro Rehab in Thousand Oaks, CA had to say about our team here at Genesis, “You have support that actually gets back to you. You have a whole team behind you helping you with all aspects of running a practice to dealing with insurance carriers, to keeping patients on track. I have never seen such a comprehensive system. I love that you can customize many features to fit our specific needs. I am also impressed that they have monthly calls, if not more, with practice profitability coaches to help you get the most out of the system and to keep stress levels low.”

Getting buy-in is critical to your success as a doctor and as a team leader. When you know you have a committed team from Genesis Chiropractic Software on your side, you feel confident that your in-house team will have all the support and guidance they need to make your office a real success.

Let one of our talented sales and support staff show you what’s possible. Connect with us today and find out how Genesis Chiropractic Software can give you and your staff the solution to your EHR needs today.


Find out more by scheduling your own appointment right now.  Clicking the button in the bottom right will open a calendar to pick a date. Real numbers from your chiropractic practice will be used to show you how Genesis will improve 5 areas of your practice.

We call it a Dream Practice Analysis. Find out and then you can make an informed decision about increasing your revenue 62%, increasing your patient retention 26% and increasing your documentation compliance 32%, all in 33% less time as our clients have.

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