Designed by Chiropractors for Chiropractors

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Ranked #1 in User Satisfaction in 2024, is now part of ClinicMind suite of products covering the full-cycle of patient care.
Designed by Chiropractors for Chiropractors

Choose Your Experience

Classic Version

Classic is the the trusted, familiar interface with all the features you know and use regularly.

Latest Version

This is the latest, beta version, with updates in features and functionality. Give it a try!

In 2023, ClinicMind acquired Genesis Chiropractic Software, expanding its platform to full-cycle patient care, including Pre-Care, Point-of-Care, and Post-Care.

Consistently Ranked Top of Class -
Client Reviews from Trusted Platforms

Our EHR software and practice management system is the easiest to use and the best-supported chiropractic software available today. With over 10,000 users; Genesis is also the easiest software and billing service system to implement.

  • Care Plan Management
  • Mobile Physician Portal
  • Patient kiosks
  • Compliant, rapid, multi-specialty, and flexible documentation
  • Patient Attraction and Retention services
  • Mobile Patient Portal
  • Point of Sale


Increase Practice Growth


Increase Patient Retention


Increase Compliance


Increase Free Time

Pricing to fit every practice need

Book a consultation to learn more”


$ 177
Unlimited Visits
$1,497 Setup Fee
For the non-insurance practice
Two (2) Clinicians Login
$25/additional Clinician
Unlimited non-clinician Login
Patient schedule
Online Scheduling
Care Plan Wizard
Kiosk/App Check-in
Text/email appointment reminders
Two-way sms communication
500 credits included, $.02 per credit thereafter
Online forms
Custom macros
Patient App
Reports & Dashboards - Advanced
Point of Sale (POS)
Barcode scanner ready
Inventory management
Sales tax reports
Credit Card processing (swiped/terminal)
$10 per month - $.10/transaction + 2.7%
Credit Card processing (Options)
Recurring payments
Automated Patient Statements
e-statements via email and sms with Fortis
e-statements sent via email with Cash Practice
Automated payment posting to patient account
Paper statements sent via mail
Trackable internal supports task
Live phone and video
Private Facebook community page
Dedicated onboarding/training team
Free data import
Unlimited file storage
Single Point Management
Genesis' unique automated patient relationship management system leverages AI and workflow automation to identify and alert you and your team of risks in your patient retention, your revenue, and your compliance.
ONC Certified & Compliant
24/7 online support

Insurance Full-Service

$ 97
/Month Kickstart*
Up to 400 Patient Visits/Month
$947 Setup Fee
$ $327
Unlimited Visits$1,497 Setup Fee
All of the features in "CASH" +
Up to three (3) clinician logins
$25/mo/additional clinician login
Unlimited non-clinician logins
No clearing house needed.
Reports - Advanced
Claim Automation
Automated e-claim submission
Automated secondary e-claim submission
Automated ERA posting
Automated "failed claim" Identification (pre-submission)
Missing/incorrect demographics
Automated "failed claim" Identification (post-submission)
Late/Unpaid claims
Denied Claims
Underpaid Claims/decrease allowed amount
Automated "failed claim" workbench
The Genesis Billing Team
Failed Claim follow up
Appeals Management
Documentation requests
Special projects
Dedicated billing SWAT team
Paper EOB posting (included)
Dedicated claim follow up team
Optional add on services/features
Automated real-time benefit verification (optional)
Automated manual benefit verification (optional)
Automated Patient invoicing with e-payment posting (optional)
Keep selected payers in-house while others full service. PIP for example
Manual work eliminated
Claim file upload/download/import
Failed claim identification
Aging report searching
Billing Service Fee
In addition to the monthly software fee, Genesis charges a percentage of insurance collections. This percentage is not charged on cash, copays or deductibles. The fee can range from 4-10% of collections. Please speak with a consultant for specific pricing.
*Kickstart price limited to 2 years
Most popular insurance plan

Insurance Self-Service

$ 97
/Month Kickstart*
Up to 400 Patient Visits/Month
$1,497 Setup Fee
$ $327
Unlimited Visits$1,747 Setup Fee
All of the features of Cash & Full Service Plans EXCEPT
All of the features of Cash AND Full Service Plans EXCEPT
No Genesis billing team for
Failed claim follow up
Appeals management
Documentation requests
Paper EOB posting
Special Projects
Billing SWAT
With claim automation, save dozens of personnel hours per month as compared to other systems. Pay per claim. Price per claim varies. Please speak with a consultant for specific pricing.
*Kickstart price limited to 2 years

Bring Your Entire Practice Experience Together

Get all the benefits of a software specifically designed for chiropractors by chiropractors.

Boost Your Current Workflow

Save valuable time for your chiropractic practice by assigning customizable automated tasks to your team.

Increase Practice Profitability

Effectively improve billing collection and approval through smart submissions.

Improve Patient Retention

Ensure a consistent patient experience at all times, reinforcing patient loyalty and preventing no-shows.

Always Respect Compliance

Easily enhance document compliance with SOAP notes and corresponding claims submission.

Easy Onboarding

Genesis offers an easy-to-follow discovery process to see if Genesis software’s systematic approach is a match for your practice. We welcome you to see how our solutions might meet your practice and business growth goals.

During your Initial Practice Evaluation appointment, we will determine if the Genesis software program makes sense for you and your office and if any of the optional Genesis services can accelerate your practice growth, increase profits, and reduce costs and risks. We will use real numbers from your practice to show how Genesis will help your practice so you can make an informed decision about switching to Genesis.