Dr. Troy Dreiling Doubles Insurance Collections plus Improves Office Efficiency

Hello, everybody. Dr. Troy Dreiling here from Vancouver, Washington. I’m prepared to do my job today to take care of patients, get sick people well.

The beautiful thing about Billing Precision is they do their job. So I don’t have to worry about my chart notes. I don’t have to worry about my appointments if they’re there or not. It’s all done for me by part of the management team of Billing Precision. So when I step into the office, it’s game time, it’s go time, and we’re taking care of patients to help them get well.

We doubled our insurance collections, no joke, doubled our insurance collections, and it was amazing. I was like, “Holy mackerel! This works!” – Dr. Troy Dreiling

So today what we want to talk about with Billing Precision is the followup. So once everything is entered into the system whether it’s from you or a team member, the insurance information or the patient information, date of birth is correct. If it’s an accident, the accident state, the diagnoses are in there. Once everything is entered, the chart note is entered. Once you hit bill or the really great thing I like is when you hit bill sign off, that means you’ve actually read the chart note. You approve the chart note, and you bill it and you sign it off, so you’ll never have to touch it again. And it has made our life so much easier.

So now if we have to go back and get chart notes, we hit print and it’s done because we’ve already signed it off. We’ve done it that day. We’ve done it at the table. Also billing immediately has been amazing.

We doubled our insurance collections, no joke, doubled our insurance collections, and it was amazing. I was like, “Holy mackerel! This works!”

We had chaos literally chaos before, you know. Imagine seeing 80 new, 100 new, 200 new patients, 300 new, then to 400 new patients in a month. Imagine trying to keep all that organized with staff that’s not quite up to speed on billing and coding, and doesn’t have the software to back it up, doesn’t have a team that really knows what they’re doing. Imagine the mess that could come out of that, and you know I’ve been there.

Yeah. So if you actually want to get paid, have faster claims come through, actually, get the claims paid in a timely fashion, have your billing team respond to tickets and claim it immediately, I recommend you go to billingprecision.com or now https://genesischiropracticsoftware.com. You arrive here to the website and schedule a personal review, and then they’ll take you through. Is it right for you? Is it right for your team, for your staff, for your office, for your needs? Probably one of the best things I’ve done in practice for the profitability and ease of use, and its compliance. Everything has just been streamlined and we’re working hard to make sure that all your needs are addressed.

I’m glad you took the time to read this entry by Dr. Troy Dreiling on Billing Precision and making your life much easier as a chiropractor.

The Billing Precision software has been re-branded as Genesis Chiropractic Software.

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