Review Wave Integration

Introducing Review Wave! A new partner integrated into Genesis Chiropractic Software. Is it safe to assume that every Chiropractic office wants and needs new patients? Don’t you wish your existing patients would refer more family and friends to you? How can you tell if your patients are happy with your service or not? Are their any holes in your patient experience that you need to address? How can your office get more patient reviews on Google+, Facebook or Yelp? If any of these questions have crossed your mind, then you’re not alone. The majority of Chiropractic practices are trying to answer these same questions and trying to figure out the best way to go about it. The complexity of Social Media in 2017 leads many people to do nothing simply because they don’t know what to do. You could hope your patients use word-of-mouth to tell their family and friends, but that’s actually a very small number of people. Social Media is where people do their reviews and referrals which are broadcast to large numbers of people. For you to try to follow-up on those comments would be very time consuming, especially for any negative comments. What if there was a way to stop those negative comments before they happen? Would your patients post about your office if it was real easy for them? Would they review your service if it only took two clicks to automatically post on their Social Media? Introducing Review Wave where you can get better reviews, faster and easier. You can generate 5 star reviews from your happy patients on sites like Google+, Facebook and Yelp, all on Autopilot! Review Wave has been integrated into Genesis Chiropractic Software on the Apps button next to Help on the right. Scroll to the bottom of the Apps to sign-up with Review Wave. To learn more about Review Wave we invite you to watch a video of Dr. Brian Capra interviewing Matt Prados of Review Wave. You will see exactly what it does, what it looks like and what it will do for your practice. Increase Patient Retention, Increase Search Engine Rankings, and Increase Patient Referrals!  

Facebook Made Simple with Dr. Matthew Loop and Genesis Chiropractic Software!

Dr. Matt Loop Chiropractic social media expert

After watching the majority of fellow chiropractors use Facebook haphazardly, while making things more complicated than they need to be, I felt compelled to offer some guidance. A handful of doctors are harnessing the enormous social network the right way to become famous locally, create surges of website traffic, and attract a swarm of new patient referrals. Here are a few tips to jump-start your Facebook practice marketing in the right direction:  Be empathetic with your friends, fans, and audience Chiropractors really need to put themselves in the position of other friends on Facebook. You cannot dominate the conversation and expect to build strong relationships. It’s important to listen to what others have to say first, then respond appropriately. You can provide user feedback by “liking” status updates, using the Facebook share button, or by commenting on a friends post. Spend a few minutes each day doing each thing mentioned. The news feed makes it easy for you to make this happen. Be warned… the quantity of feedback / value you offer is directly proportional to the credibility, trust, and liking your create with your Facebook friends and fans.  Use the Appropriate Etiquette Here’s the deal. When other users accept your friend invitation, it doesn’t automatically give you the right to spray links to your website on their wall. That’s not what people are looking for. This makes you look stupid and isn’t polite. Secondly, don’t throw your links in messages when you send a friend request. It’s more annoying than anything else and your acceptance rate will be minimal to zero. People can sense your true intentions.  Don’t Alienate your Friends / Fans, Engage them: Realize that people on your list are not the same. Not everyone thinks health is a top priority. Don’t always post the same type of content. Mix it up with quotes, open-ended questions, and jokes. Show a human side that makes you appear genuine and real.  Never Assume Others Want to Be in Your Group Don’t automatically add people to groups that you create. That will get you in trouble quick. This was one of Facebook’s bonehead ideas, to let other people just ad anyone to groups. Always get permission first before adding others. Invite them and let them make their own choice.  Get a custom Facebook Fan Page Built The first thing to do is to create a Facebook business page, also called a fan page. You can go to to do this. You’ll want to have a custom fan page created that looks professional. This particular page is where visitors will land when they initially see you. The goal of this unique page is a couple things. First, you want to get the Facebook user to “like” your fan page. Next, you must provide an ethical bribe so the user offers-up their contact info (name / email) to you. I would definitely recommend that you get a professionally done video with your Facebook fan page. It ads a WOW factor and separates you from the rest of local doctors. There’s an old saying that goes “you never get a second chance to make a first impression.”  Start Using Facebook Ads Of the many ways to get an avalanche of targeted local traffic to your chiropractic website, this is the fastest way. It’s literally like flipping a switch. The Facebook ads platform can be a little complicated, hence the reason I created an entire training around it. You really have to be detail specific to be successful with Facebook advertising. If you’re serious about becoming a master of Facebook Advertising WITHOUT making the expensive mistakes that most initially make, you’ll want to grab a copy of Social Media Elite. In it, you’ll discover what’s called The Ultimate Facebook Ads Marketing Blueprint. It contains all of the most effective strategies from a chiropractor that’s spent over $101,000 on this medium to date. You’ll learn which images pull clicks and traffic like gangbusters, how to attain a rock-bottom cost per click (CPC) every time, expensive mistakes 97% of chiropractors are making when using Facebook Ads, the RIGHT way to follow-up with an interested prospective patient on Facebook (most chiropractors NEVER do this), and much more… Use Facebook’s Check-in Function for Smart-Phones I absolutely adore this feature. You should have EVERY single patient that has an iPhone or Android “check-in” on Facebook from their smart-phone whenever they’re at your clinic. This gets you mass exposure quickly since all of the users friends on the social network will see where they’re at. Offer some type of incentive (if your state-board allows it) for current patients so they’re motivated to check-in at your practice for all of their friends to view. This is simple, endorsed viral traffic. Create Valuable Content that Facebook Users Feel Compelled to Share It is critically important that you provide value-driven information your Facebook audience feels compelled to share and take some form of action with. This action may include them commenting, clicking the LIKE button, or using the SHARE icon to spread the content to their friends. This is really endorsed referral traffic and the best form of visitors you could get. The people that come from this type of “attraction” marketing are high quality and are likely to select you as their chiropractor. In this article, I’ve laid-out a few important strategies you can implement today as a chiropractor so you can begin to use Facebook the correct way. This is only a small fraction of what you need to know, though. Visit my Marketing Blog: This electronic message contains information from Dr. Matthew Loop that may be privileged and confidential. The information is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an addressee, note that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the contents of this message is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please contact the sender. As you can see, if you’re not all over the internet, and even

How Genesis Chiropractic Software Can Help You Build Retention In Your Practice!

How’s your Patient Retention? Picture this; you start noticing a strange phenomenon going on in your office. You can’t explain it, but people seem to be disappearing. Every time you think of a particular patient, you look through your chiropractic software for their name, and realize they are no longer in your practice. Another face pops up in your mind, and they are gone too! What is going on? These patients were not “one-timers”. They have been in your office many times. They told you they were ready to regain their health. You thought these people understood the principles of chiropractic. So, what happened? You have been hard at work ever since you started your practice—,putting in long hours, networking, marketing, getting new patients in the door, then educating and orientating those new patients while trying to cultivate a community of practice members that will be with you to the end! And yet, here you sit, in front of your computer, looking at your office stats for the month and saying, “Where the HELL have all my patients gone?!”… Does this scenario sound familiar to you? You may find yourself thinking that maybe it’s just the “name-of-the-game” in chiropractic. Maybe you should just accept the fact that people come and go while you have to work your butt off for the rest of your life to fill the vacancy of every patient who mysteriously disappears; is that it? I’m here to tell you (thank goodness), “That’s not the case! You don’t have to be the Bermuda Triangle of chiropractic anymore.” Something happened to all of those patients, yes. They slipped through the cracks in your office. That’s what happened— some offices have “cracks” and others have huge, gaping holes! Either way, as the captain of your ship you are responsible for finding and fixing those leaks. Leaks in your office could be anything that causes (or encourages) a patient to leave before they should. A “leak” could be caused by one, or more, of four things: poor education, poor service, poor procedures, or poor organization in your office.   Now, I’m going to show you FOUR TIPS TO STOP LEAKS IN YOUR OFFICE NOW. By following this advice, you will be able to help more people, grow your practice to the next level, and sleep easier knowing your patients will still be there when you go to work the next day. 1) Educate:  Education is key. Most chiropractors educate their patients in some way, shape, or form, but are you really providing the patient with a valuable education in health that will change their life forever? Are you really teaching them the chiropractic story with passion? After all, there are hundreds of thousands of self-proclaimed “health gurus” bombarding your patients with info every single day, but simply “providing info” is not educating! Start passionately educating your patients about the body’s healing power, adding value by instructing them how they can maximize that power! 2) Great Service:  Do you train your staff to give great service to each and every person who walks in your door? Does your staff greet the patient with a smile every time they come in? They should. Great service should start with the first phone call and continue throughout the patient’s interaction with your office. Make sure you and your staff are trained and conscious about giving exceptional friendly service. Now let me ask you another question related to service: How long do your patients have to wait when in your office? If your patients are spending hours in your office, that is bad service. Even if they love the care they are receiving from you, people just don’t have time to spend hours in a doctor’s office anymore. Get your procedures down and start creating a smoother, more efficient visit for your patients. This single tip could blow your retention through the roof!   3) Get Your Procedures Down:  Allow me to give you a sports analogy— Do you think there has ever been a world champion team that couldn’t run a proper play? No way.  That’s one of the first things coaches go over in the beginning of a season. If you can’t run a play, and I mean run it with perfection over and over again, then the synergy will be off. If this is the case with your office, be aware that patients take notice. You must have your procedures down and train each your staff members to know their position in your office. If you do not do so already, set up a weekly staff training session where you practice running through office procedures. You may even be surprised by how many questions your staff members have about their specific roles and responsibilities. 4) Get Organized! This may just be the single biggest reason behind your poor patient retention. Your patients are walking out of your practice, and you don’t even know it! This happens to so many chiropractic offices it’s not even funny. A patient who has been coming in for years suddenly stops coming in, and by the time you realize you have not adjusted Mary in a while and check the schedule, she has been gone for two months. Now, what do you do? Do you call and check on her? Oh yeah, that will look great, “Hi Mary I noticed you missed your appointment.” Mary replies, “Yeah, two months ago Doc. You’re just now calling me?” Don’t do that to your patients and don’t do that to your practice. The fact is that Mary didn’t just quit your practice two months ago. She started showing signs of leaving way before that. Maybe she started asking you questions about how her spine was doing, and whether she was “fixed” yet. Perhaps she’d already missed an appointment or two. Maybe she didn’t show up to the workshop she told you she would attend. All of those things are just some of the signs of a patient who is

CBP Club! Helping Students Find Their “Why”

This past Friday I had my first ever opportunity to speak to the CBP club students at Life University in Marietta, GA.  It has been a few years since I have been back on campus and I was happy to see all of the changes.  From the huge cafeteria to the new apartments and day care I could not believe what I saw.  The parking deck!  Man we could have used that when I was a student.  When I was a student we had to park in Roswell and walk to class up hill both ways.  😉 When I left campus 10 years ago the school was in crisis.  Accreditation just got pulled and I stuck out of there like Indiana Jones reaching under the rock door and grabbing my hat before it came slamming down. When I got to campus I was graciously greeted by the CBP club president, Ryan Stamp.  He recently took over the reigns from the former president Rachel Stockwell.  He did a great job letting the students know I was coming and putting on a great event. We had 37 students show up!  Great job Ryan! It was a great experience trying to prepare for the talk.  It forced me to think about what I could speak about that would help the students the most.  It made me really think about how far I have come in the past 10 years since graduation.  It is truly amazing how much information I have gathered over the years.  If I only knew then what I know now…….  Actually there is not a lot I would change.  I would have probably just been where I am now in half the time :).  Trying to sum up what I have learned or pick some of the most important points was a challenge to say the least. After all I decided to focus what I have come to believe is the most important skill a doctor can learn both from a patient care perspective and business perspective.  That being Patient Relationship Management.    That is how to help patients realize the true benefits of care and coaching them to the place where they can determine their own reason/s (Their big Why)  for committing to life time chiropractic care.  From a business perspective I spoke about the 3 types of risks to patient relationships that can be measured in a practice.  These are the tings that show the doctor patient may have forgotten their Why. Patient Retention Cash Flow Compliance The other Why was the doctor’s why.  Learning why you do what you do is more important that learning how you do what you do.  I thought this was important for students.  They are always so focused on what to do.  CBP docs especially.  Hoe to fix a spine, what new patient process to follow…  In the real world teaching chiropractic is met with a lot of resistance and without a big enough reason for doing what you do, that little resistance can be enough to discourage a doc right out of practice.  At that point it does not matter how good you are at the “how”.  We spoke a little bit about the hows too.  Communication and confronting objections, billing, chiropractic software (of course), EMR/EHR, SOAP notes, the right forms, etc. I would say that if anything could be learned that would change the potential for success it was finding your big why.  Why will you go to the office when you are exhausted?  Why will you be willing to confront a patient who has missed a visit?  Why are you committed to learning CBP if that is your chosen technique?  Why are you willing to help patients find their big why?  Or as Garret Gunderson says the “Soul Purpose”. If you are a student or doc and you are reading this, please share your Big Why.  Was it a patient or family member who’s life was changed by chiropractic?  Was it your own chiropractic miracle?  Please share!  Maybe if we hear others we can also use them to add to our motivation!