AI in Medical Billing

AI has revolutionized many different industries, and healthcare is no exception. In recent years, medical billing has benefited greatly from using Artificial Intelligence.   Where are the major pain points in healthcare today? 1-Patients:  A major challenge today is long wait times. In 2022, the average wait time for a physician appointment in the 15 […]

Claim Denial Management

Partial denials cause the average medical practice to lose as much as 11% of its revenue (Capko, 2009).  Payers are known for denying claim payments for legitimate reasons (provider-generated errors) and arbitrary reasons, motivated by the inherent benefits of controlling the float for the maximal time (Stahl). Systematic denial management must address both kinds of […]

Computer-aided Patient Scheduling

Without a computerized scheduler, a practice has less than a 2% chance of earning the title of a “better-performing practice,” according to the Medical Group Management Association. Computerized scheduling helps decrease service costs, provide fairness in service delivery, increase patient satisfaction, and reduce waiting times (Zhang et al., 2019). A massive investment in scheduling features […]

Value Adding for Maximum Profit

I love this topic because it’s easy to miss the mark, especially since so many consultants and marketing firms misappropriate this term and don’t actually coach on value-adding. The idea of value-adding has come under scrutiny in light of the current trend of corporate acquisitions of primary care clinics and the rising patient expectation for […]