1. Know the schedule of every big venue in your community.
This one tip can make a huge difference in your practice. If you want to grow your practice and get more involved in your community so you can help more people, then you need to be at every event that happens around your office. The best way to stay up-to-date on community events is to go to the place that big events happen. If you know the schedule of every civic center, gymnasium, and large auditorium in your community you will never miss the “next big event”!
2. Use Google to find shows and fairs going on in your community.
You or your staff should be searching for events at least once a month. Schedule a time to sit down on your computer and search for events, shows, and fairs. Here is how you do it – First, go to Google.com, then type in “Events” and “Your Zip Code”. You will find page after page of listings. Go through each one and determine whether or not it would be a good fit for your office. Make a list of the events you want to attend so you can follow up later.
Then go back to Google.com and type in “fair” and “Your Zip Code”. Again, you will find page after page of listings. Go through each one and determine whether or not it would be a good fit for your office. Pay particular attention to Health Fairs as they can be some of the best places to do a spinal screening.
3. Contact all the Corporations and businesses in your community, and ask them if they have an annual health fair.
Granted, this is hit-or-miss, but you would be surprised at how many churches and corporations in your community actually have annual health fairs. You can use the same Google.com method described above to locate and gather contact info for all the corporations and churches around your office. Then call them and simply ask them if they have an annual health fair. If they do, ask them how you can get involved. If they don’t ask them if you can help them to start one!