The Patient Experience Pioneer

Genesis is the patient experience pioneer.

What Sets Genesis Chiropractic Software Apart? The Patient Experience.

Yes, choosing the right software to manage your Chiropractic practice is a vital step in ensuring your office runs more easily and efficiently, but it’s even more than that.  Here at Genesis Chiropractic Software, it’s also about the patient experience.  You’ve probably heard more talk these days about patient engagement but the truth is, at Genesis, we’ve been working on the patient experience and patient engagement from the very beginning.  Genesis is the pioneer in the field.  In fact, our software is designed specifically to ensure that the patient experience is not just good, but the best possible in each and every patient encounter.

patient experienceGenesis is more than an electronic health record.  It’s far more than a software to improve your billing.  Genesis Chiropractic software was built from the ground up to model the software used by Fortune 500 companies to enhance their customer experience.

You see, these companies have the data, the money, and the technology to analyze each and every piece of the customer experience.  They break it down to its components and discover what works and what doesn’t so that good results are not just understood, they are repeatable.

Prior to Genesis, the type of software that these multi-billion dollar companies use was not available to Chiropractic practices.  After all, what Chiropractic office has the type of resources available to companies like Amazon or the Ritz-Carlton?

chiropractors stay at the Ritz and discuss the patient experience.But, we at Genesis had a mission… a mission to bring this Fortune 500 technology to Chiropractors… a mission to apply this technology to the patient experience and optimize it in the same way the big boys were using to optimize the customer experience.  The result was Genesis Chiropractic Software.

Unlike other software that just functions as an EHR or billing system, Genesis goes a step further – a big step further.  Genesis uses the technology that companies like Amazon depend on and breaks down every task that must be completed in your office to ensure that every single patient receives the optimal patient experience.

From greeting a patient to scheduling appointments, making follow-up calls, performing re-exams, and more, the system assigns each task to the person in the practice best equipped to handle it.  Even better, with one glance, it allows you to see how many necessary tasks have been completed and even more importantly, how many have not.  You know in real-time what must be done to ensure your patients receive the best care possible.  And, you can see if there are any “mission critical” points to handle to make sure patients don’t drop out of care.

Genesis Chiropractic Software’s focus on the patient experience sets us apart.  Don’t settle for just another EHR.  Put our Fortune 500 technology to work in your practice, gain visibility into your practice’s success, and enhance your patients’ experience with Genesis today.


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