To help you get the answers you need, we have compiled all questions that were asked during our recent webinar “PQRS | How These Four Letters Affect Your Practice,’ along with the presenter’s responses. Feel free to add any new questions in the comment section below.
Q: Is Genesis powered by Vericle an eligible registry?
A: Right now, the only way to submit a PQRS code to CMS is claim-based. Vericle is working on becoming a registry. It’s a very long process. Right now, we are working on Stage Two Meaningful Use. This is another way for users to avoid the 2016 penalty.
Q: Does pain and medication measure have to be reported on every visit?
A: Whatever measurements you choose to report, the documentation has to be in your chart.
Q: What is Genesis powered by Vericle doing to maintain compliance with Medicare?
A: In terms of compliance with Medicare, Vericle does keep up on the rules. In some cases, if you need a different secondary diagnosis when you’re submitting your claims to Medicare, Vericle is C-CHIT. Vericle completed EHR Meaningful Use Stage One and is preparing for Stage Two, which is Medicare compliant. PQRS codes have been available in the Vericle system.