Part 3 – 3 Mistakes You Make at The ROF – Dr. Fred DiDomenico & Dr. Brian Capra

Dr. Fred DiDomenico DC
Dr. Fred DiDomenico is a master at communication.  His program, Elite Coaching, focuses on teaching doctors how to use life coaching principles and apply them to chiropractic practice.  In doing so his clients realize that they develop the skills to predictably help patients find a deep inspiration for achieving extraordinar health through chiropractic principles.  I have first hand experience with Dr. Fred’s system and can say it works.  After listening to this webinar series you will be one step closer to a more fulfilling practice and personal life.

Brian Capra
Founder & President, Billing Precision

Dr. Fred DiDomenico:     Now that person will stay, you give him a few exercises at home which we’re going to talk about next and put a curve in his neck and he gets off his blood pressure medication.  My god, he’s going to with you forever.  He can be so excited about his care.  Now guess what kind of referrals you’re going to get.  People with blood pressure problems they’re not coming in because of the back pain.  They’re coming in because they’re scared of their heart problems.
And that’s what we see in Elite when we teach people how to do this then, your referrals come in with organ problems and health conditions and less pain.
Dr. Brian Capra:        Mistake # 3 – The have to know what they are buying
Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Mistake #3, they have to know what they’re buying.  And this is a huge thing.  When you’re to report of findings and you show them, you can show them the x-rays.  But how many times have they been, to six other chiropractors, do you want to be in the seventh or do you want to be their last.  And this is a thing — we’ve shown some spinal corrected techniques.  Even if you’re not in CBP or Pettibon , but there are a couple of things you can do.
One of the most important is a stress test.  Because when your telling them “Hey, you don’t have a curve in your neck” and this represents disease according to principle of chiropractic.  And its normal one represents health.  Then what can we do to take them there?
Now what’s the probability that another chiropractor taught him the same thing?  They went and they’ve got out of pain, now they still have that problem.  In fact now, there is more of the generation and so what’s going to be different about you that’s going to make them commit when they’ve never committed to a chiropractor before.
                             How are you going to make them act or inspire them to act differently with you than what they have done before?  How many patients say have come in, “My last doctor didn’t take x-rays.”  Or you know, “He only recommended 12 visits and you’re recommending 30.”  Or “The fee structure is different.”  I mean is that a common objection.  Well here’s how you get through those objections.
Let’s go to the next slide.  Again, spinal correction is tangible.  There’s a thing called Denneroll and it can help the doctor who knows nothing about spinal correction, made predictable changes on post x-ray.  So let’s show you.
                        This is real easy, here’s a way — here’s someone comes, takes an x-ray, a denneroll is like a very dense foam role with a very specific shape in it.  And what you do is you have a patient lay on that denneroll and then take an x-ray of them.  So if you hit that again.  There you go.
                             Now this is a person laying on a denneroll.  That black area right behind their neck, you could see how it’s very densely black.  That’s the denneroll, you can kind see the shape of it.  And what it does is down by the shoulders it’s got a little wave.  Now that actually puts in, helps to upper thoracic curve.  The upper thoracic curve is what forms the cervical curve.  Now when they lay down and they lay over that denneroll then, look at the change in that structure.
                             Now yeah, I get there’s people they’re saying, “Well that’s because we’re lying over the back of that”.  And well that what my patients are going to say.  Well, that’s exactly right.  Now here is the benefit.  Ligaments creep.  You guys know that when you look that ligaments can deform according to a sustained position.  So when they lay on that denneroll, you get plastic deformation, what’s that mean?  The ligaments will deform and actually hold that deformity after about 20 minutes.  Now begins at 10 minutes, the greatest deformity of ligaments happens between 10 and 20 minutes.
                           So if they can lay on that denneroll for 20 minutes and they do that everyday in about three months, you’re going to stand them up and that’s what their curves going to look like.  So when you look at this person that has a slightly reversed curve at top.  But basically, no curve through the neck and then she lays — this was a staff member of a clinic I was coaching.  And then she lays over that denneroll look at the change in that curve.
                             Now in three months if she does that everyday, that’s what her curve is going to look like.  So as long as you know where to place the denneroll and you place it in the right place.  Now, how do you figure that out?  Hey, wherever you want to push the neck forward basically.  And you can take a couple different x-rays with different placement, what’s that Brian?
Dr. Brian Capra:            Yeah, I just going to laugh at that but one of the things that’s interesting with this too, it just, I don’t know if I really told you this, but I was using this for my stress x-rays but I didn’t have an x-ray unit where I could take it while they were laying down.  So, I would go flip them on the table, have them lay for 15 to 20 minutes have them stand up and take a post x-ray.
                            And even though they weren’t on it, it’s still made changes.  I mean there was still a change there even though they were standing which I know 10, 15, 20 minutes later during the day that went back towards their normal posture.  But they actually were able to see that even though they were standing within 15 minutes of doing just a stress x-ray, they were already getting changes.
Dr. Fred DiDomenico:     And that is phenomenal.
                             Now, people that have degeneration where their spines really stiff, you’re not going to see those bigger changes.  So what they need to do is get on it for a little while until they can tolerate 20 minutes and then do a stress x-ray.  But they have this emotion, not too much degeneration.  You can literally do this on day two.  So arrive and say, hey, I’m not going to — you don’t give them all the recommendation.  We’re just going to do this test and let’s come back tomorrow and look at the test and then well make our recommendations from there.
                             Now when you’re showing a person, see this is what were talking about.  They know what they’re buying and that’s something tangible and it’s not based on your opinion.  They’ve been to other doctors, they gave them their opinion and maybe it worked temporarily, maybe it didn’t.  But you showed them a corrected x-ray, like exactly what you said Brian.  Hey, they’re allowing this thing for 15 minutes and you stand up, you get a picture and then, “Oh, my God that changed.”  And you’re like, “Look, you can do a lot better than this.”  What that tells me is if you do this program and you add the adjustments that you’re going to get that result and much greater in a short period of time, which maybe two to three months.
                             Now, they know what they’re buying.  And after coaching several doctors through a spinal correction and using it, that x-ray, right there people will drop money.  They’ll say, “Okay, they have to know what they’re buying.”  And that’s huge.  It’s not an opinion like you said.  So their goals happened to know what they’re — why they’re buying your care.
                             Now if you say “Hey”, let’s say you have again, going back to the example of that woman that so tired she doesn’t feel like a good mom.  And their marriage isn’t the same and then you do a denneroll x-ray.  So its not, here’s the thing, even with postural corrective – in spinal corrective doctors.  It’s not about putting the curve in their neck.  It’s not about going from 10 degrees to 30 degrees.  It’s about what does 30 degrees represent to that person.  Now that denneroll test doesn’t mean you went to 30 degrees, it means, you’re going to have better energy.  So you use one liners, every time you lay on that denneroll, your boosting your metabolism.  Now how often is she going to do that?  Everyday?
Dr. Brian Capra:        That’s when you get to people like, “Oh, I brought it to work and I’m on my break I was laying in the break room on the denneroll.”  That’s when you get to doing that.  You’re like what?
Dr. Fred DiDomenico: I love people that have no shame.  They don’t know shame but that’s how emotionally driven they are.  Now, when you can do that and you give them those one liners, my god, they’ll be laying out in the middle of the street stopping traffic because that’s how much it means to them.  Now you’ve got a patient with that level of commitment guess what gang?  How many referrals are you going to get?
                             So while she’s lying in the break room and people go, “what the heck are you doing?”  “Because I’m putting a curve in my neck, you should go to my chiropractor”.  Make sure that woman have the bunch of your business cards.
Dr. Brian Capra:        Yeah, write your number on the denneroll.
Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Yeah, exactly.  Put your clinic sticker on there man, because you’re going to be getting stuff going on.  And what she going to do, now you know this Brian.  If you give her that one like, every time you lay on this, you’re boosting metabolism.  So the minute she’s lying in the break room on that dirty floor, then what’s going to happen.  Then people go, “What are you doing?”  She’s going to say, “I’m boosting my metabolism.”  Right there they’re going to go, “What — that’s cool.  How are you doing that?”  Man she’s just teaching, now she’s teaching, probably a care class on the floor of the break room.
                          That is what we want.  So that’s totally awesome and that’s what you’ll see when you follow these procedures.  “Luck is when preparation meets opportunity”.
So the reason we’re giving this webinar and I appreciate the opportunity, always.  Not only as colleagues, Brian but as friends also, to help people, when you’re prepared, here’s a thing.  Every report or findings is an opportunity.  Another opportunity, my question that you have to ask — that I’m going to ask you and you have to ask yourself is, are you prepared?  So you start asking more questions.  Quit doing that you know here’s your problem, here’s the line, here’s how much.  Make them answer those questions.  Use a denneroll stress test, start coaching.
                             Quit talking so much and then prove what you can do with the simple test like this and you’ll be amazed at the results you’re going to get on that opportunity.  Again, here’s that last line, my name is Dr. Fred DiDomenico.  Anybody that has questions regarding this, there’s my number and there’s our website.  Here’s my email, you can call me.  I’m willing to help anyone.  Number (1) with spinal correction; Number (2) Help you boost your practice, so that you can serve and help more people.  And most importantly, fulfill your purpose in life in chiropractic.
Dr. Brian Capra:      Awesome, well Fred, thank you so much.  I can definitely say that you all have enable to tell by now.  I have first hand experience the difference with going through a true coaching program like this, definitely has made a different to my practice and also with Billing Precision.  One of the things that Dr. Fred does at his seminars as well is address other aspects of practice.  Whether its marketing or compliance or billing, coding for that matter and actually, some of his clients that use our system have started to tweek the documentation system, the fact therein for the emotional hooks, etcetera.  At the same time using and stay in compliance.  So its actually pretty cool synergy on that level too.
                             But Dr. Fred, thank you so much for all the information and hopefully some people out there listening to this start to transition their thought process on where it is and how they should be communicating with their patients and help them find their “why” for what we do.
Dr. Fred DiDomenico:There you go.  Thanks Brian.  I appreciate the opportunity.  Just one last note, we teach all these techniques, not only the coaching.  But even if people aren’t clients but they want to learn how to do this, we teach boot camps, where non-clients are invited to learn how to do this even without being a client obviously.  And you’ll go back to your process after that weekend and your whole — first of all, your whole mindset will shift but you’ll watch patients literally, change the way they think right in front of you.  And that’s really the goal, here.

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