Maximixed Living Case Study


Working smarter not harder isn’t just a cliche! With this practice honing their skills, helping patients becomes easier when you have one more team member that’s got your back.

As a Genesis coach, I have the opportunity to work with ML practices moving from good to great. With Invision Family Chiropractic, I get to be a member of their team.  Here is a picture of their visits per month growth that they achieved: WHILE their new patients average per month did this:How is this possible? New patients per month went down and visits per month went UP?!  Retaining patients is a skill that requires three things:

  1. Excellent communication
  2. Amazing results
  3. No missed opportunities

Not missing opportunities is where Genesis shines! Working with this practice we customized their reminders, alerts, and tracking to make sure they didn’t miss an opportunity to connect with their patients. NO MORE MEMORY MANAGEMENT.

We helped automate their reminders and scheduling through SKED, configured their alerts for patients with special circumstances like balances, no future appointments, and more. Now their per patient visit retention looks like: This practice went from averaging 19 visits for patients that committed to care to over 30 visits!  I am honored to be a part of the success of Invision Family Chiropractic and was able to share it. I look forward to continued success!

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