Manage Your Day to Day Chiropractic Office Operations with Billing Precision

Genesis Chiropractic Software incorporates metrics on a graph to prove effective billing solution

Make Sure Every Day at the Office is as Profitable as it Can Be

As a chiropractor with a busy office you may find that you’re working very hard to make very little money. You’ve certainly got patients and your schedule is booked. But somehow your no-shows seem to be occupying more of your time than the patients you actually see and you’re finding out too late that some patient’s health insurance is not covering certain procedures or visits. Patient invoices aren’t being paid, missed appointments are piling up and unbillable hours are becoming more frequent.

Billing Precision, which is a web-based program, has been designed for chiropractors who want to make better use of their time and their dedicated staff’s energy. Its various features allow chiropractors to run their practice efficiently and profitably.

Daily Management Challenges

The hassles of daily management are huge. These include making sure patients move in and out of the office on time. No-shows, people arriving late because they have the wrong appointment time and patients whose insurance information has not been processed properly can all cost you money. Billing Precision includes numerous tools to ensure that each aspect of your daily practice is attended to properly.

Using Billing Precision software, your staff will be able to move patients from the waiting room, into the examination room and then to their next step, which may be to undergo further treatment or to go to patient checkout where they make their next appointment and pay their balance. Although it sounds simple, many chiropractors offer various services that may include physical rehabilitation, weight and nutrition counseling and a medical fitness program. Now the daily running of a practice becomes exceptionally complicated. With Billing Precision’s system all of these areas can be coordinated.


The other important aspect of a chiropractic practice that is addressed by Billing Precision is SOAP Notes EHR. These notes, which contain important observations and treatment information for each patient, are used to track patient and they include the doctor’s diagnosis and their plan for treatment. These notes are also required when a practice is audited by an insurance agency. If a doctor’s notes are incomplete, chances are the insurance agency will reject the claim and the practice will lose money.

Some estimates indicate that 67 percent of audited insurance claims are rejected and that doctors lose hundreds of millions of dollars each year. Once a health insurance company sees that a practice is vulnerable to audits then chances are they will audit that practice again and again.

SOAP Notes from Billing Precision are totally computerized and may be filled out accurately with a few touches of the computer screen. In a matter of seconds a chiropractor has accurate SOAP Notes that will stand up to any audit and those notes are all integrated into the Billing Precision system.

Total Coordination

A busy chiropractor’s office needs daily coordination to ensure that it runs smoothly and profitably. Billing Precision’s web-based software allows chiropractors to do what they do best, treat their patients while their office is run with precision.

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