Learn How To Share The 100 Year Lifestyle With Your Patients

100 year

     The 100 year lifestyle… If you charted the life expectancy curve of Americans over the last 100 years, you would see a line starting at the bottom left corner of your page and heading straight for the upper right corner.  Life expectancy in our country has been climbing and climbing with no end in sight!

     Yes, science is able to keep people alive a lot longer these days, and because of amazing advancements, life expectancy continues to lengthen.  But have you ever thought about what a “quality of life expectancy” curve would look like?  Is the quality of life that people are living getting better or worse?
     Think about it.  What if you live to be 100?  What will your quality of life be?  Will you be a prisoner in your dying body as science keeps you “alive”, or will you live your 100 years with full enjoyment, maximum energy, doing what you dream of doing until the day you die?
100 year lifestyleDr. Eric Plasker is the best selling author of The 100 Year Lifestyle, a book that teaches people how to achieve a lifetime of health and wellness!  He also coaches hundreds of chiropractic offices on how to share the life-saving chiropractic message of health and wellness with their community!
     In a recent interview, Genesis Chiropractic Software asked Dr. Plasker, “How chiropractors (just like you) can teach this 100 Year Lifestyle in their offices, and therefore, help more people live a longer, healthier, happier life.”  Get instant access to the entire interview by clicking the link below:

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