Stop Memory Managing In Your Chiropractic Office

Eliminate memory management with Genesis Chiropractic Software.

The owner of a Chiropractic practice has to wear many hats.

You’re in charge of patient care and education, staff management, accounting and financial management, and the thousands of other things that go into running a business.  This can be extremely stressful and if you are not using the software and technology available to help automate your tasks, you are in an even worse position.

Without a proactive software that breaks down your tasks, assigns them to a staff member, and ensures accountability, you are stuck memory managing your practice.  This leaves you stressed out, your staff stressed out, and results in a patient experience that is far less than optimal.

If you are using one of the old reactive types of systems to manage your practice, you are most likely relying on reports to make sure that everything is completed like it should be.  The problem with this, as you know, is that it leaves you searching report after report.  If you wanted to follow up on an insurance claim, you have to go to some aging report, find the claim, and then follow up on it.  

That means that you have to probe.  You have to actively go find the work before you can do it.  Then, no one actually knows how much work was supposed to happen for that day, as opposed to how much work did happen.  You may find out that an x-ray that was supposed to be performed wasn’t.  Then, three months later, you find out that a hundred x-rays weren’t done.

You shouldn’t have to work this way.

The way this works is that with a reactive system, there are a lot of different reports.  There are cash flow reports, retention reports, future appointments, expired care plans, compliance reports and the list goes on.  The problem with this is that your staff has to go to each report individually to find the work that needs to be done before they do it.  Then, you as the owner or doctor have no idea across all of those reports how many things are supposed to happen today and whether or not they were completed.

This leaves the owner of the practice totally out of control.  It leaves you memory managing every single thing that happens.  It leaves you stressed out when you leave the office, trying to remember if everything was done for the day.  You shouldn’t have to work this way.

On top of that, memory managing is stressful for your staff.  When you look at an old report and find things that haven’t been done like they are supposed to, like those hundred x-rays, you focus on that for the week, making sure all x-rays are performed.  Next week, when you see a report that shows future appointments aren’t getting scheduled, you stress that.  The next week, it might be care plans.  This leaves your staff never knowing what to expect.

It’s about time to stop the memory management.  It’s time to move to a proactive system that helps you automate the handling of the tasks that make your practice successful.  It’s time to throw out those old, reactive systems and finally take the stress out of managing your Chiropractic practice.

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