Is it truly one of the inevitable things in life?


Why although paying taxes is inevitable, overpaying them doesn’t have to be.

How would you feel if you found out you were overpaying your taxes? Most people want to pay as little in taxes as possible, but many times have no idea of whether they are overpaying or not. Without going into huge amounts of detail (and boring your socks off) there are a few simple things to know about taxes that can make a big difference.

First, there is no better way to keep more of your own money than to make more. Often people pass up income because they might have to pay more in taxes – that’s just crazy. If you got to pay 25 cents to earn a dollar, how often would you do it? Never pass up a chance to make more money in congruence with your purpose.

If you own a business, do you have the proper entity structure to maximize your tax advantages? Not all entity structures are created equal so if you have a partnership, sole proprietorship, or even the wrong type of corporation for your business, you may be missing out. Learn about how to take your income as well. Salary may be taxed differently than dividends.

In my research with 117 people in my program, 107 were overpaying their taxes. More alarming is that 2/3rds felt they had it all handled and their accountant was doing a great job.

If you want to find out if you are overpaying or not, take a quick look at our Financial Health Assessment at and answer a few questions. If you answer no or uncertain, then check out the Curriculum for Wealth series when I go into depth and leave nothing locked away as “secret” as I dig in with the CPA in our network to give you the insights necessary to find money that is being overpaid.

So, you can check with your tax professional on the best way to employ these ideas for your specific situation, or join us on the Curriculum for Wealth as we go through the checklist of most important areas to save tax.

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