Improve PVA With Integrated Posture Assessments

Posture Screen is integrated into Genesis Chiropractic Software.

If you are looking for a way to improve the Patient Visit Average (PVA) and increase profitability as part of your “new patient” marketing efforts, you should consider using the posture assessment tools that are already integrated into your Genesis chiropractic EHR system. You will be able to impress prospective patients at health fairs and other marketing events with a visually effective, instant diagnosis via the PostureScreen App on your iPad,  iPhone, or Android. Even more importantly, you will  be able to collect and save their contact info in your Genesis patient data base at the same time.

Since PVA  is computed by dividing the number of total office visits by number of new patients in a chosen time frame, you can improve this value by increasing the conversion percentage of intro visits to care plans. The old adage that the eye buys holds true for the use of posture assessments because this visual tool lets a potential patient see any spinal misalignments for him- or herself and, therefore, ‘buy’ the diagnosis and need for chiropractic treatment. This type of patient education can increase the number of new patients resulting from marketing events while also improving first-visit conversions. The end result will be a higher ROI on your marketing efforts.

The EHR integration ties everything neatly together by providing the opportunity to create a new patient file in your Genesis system within minutes or quickly update an old one while still with the patient. Any personalized results of the posture assessment can then be emailed to the patient for an opportunity to schedule a follow-up appointment or reinforce the patient’s compliance with a prescribed exercise program.

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