ICD-10: The Saga Begins

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ICD-10 News

So, the changeover to ICD-10 got delayed from October 1, 2014 to October 1, 2015. And perhaps many of you are thinking, “Phew! That thing really sneaked up on us; thank goodness they’ve given us extra time.”

It may be tempting to take comfort in the grace period you’ve been given. But if you stop to think about it, you’re better off getting your practice up to speed now, so you don’t have to worry about it down the line.

And here’s the funny thing: ICD-10 didn’t sneak up on anybody. Truth is, the switch-over was originally scheduled for October 1, 2013 — a date that has since passed. Where would you be if that initial deadline hadn’t been delayed? Would you have been ready on time? If you aren’t sure of your answer, then you probably still aren’t set up for ICD-10… and why would you want to continue to linger in doubt? Now is the time for action, with the key benefit of time that can be better spent on building your practice.

But wait, there’s more: How long do you think this ICD-10 changeover has been in the works? It wasn’t a sudden move. It may surprise you to know that the process actually began more than 30 years ago — and is based on a classification system developed by French physician Jacques Bertillon nearly a century before that.

Why should providers prepare for ICD-10 in spite of the delay?
Coming next week: ICD-10 Strikes Back
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