Add Multiple Specialties to your Practice

multiple specialties

How to Add Multiple Specialties using Genesis Chiropractic Software

Multiple Specialties can be added to your practice with Genesis Chiropractic Software.  How?  Watch the free webinar offered on this page and Jason Barnes will explain it to you.

The first question to ask yourself is… What sort of practice do you have now?  Is it pain based or wellness based.  If your practice is pain based, then you should add more specialties that will help your patients with their pain. Maybe you should add a Masseuse, a Physical Therapist or an MD who would prescribe pain relieving drugs.

If your practice is wellness based, then determine what specialties will help you.  The key is to offer more to your existing patients using your existing marketing efforts.  What you don’t want to do is to add a specialty that needs new marketing to bring in a completely new patient base.

Do research on what other specialties are lucrative and determine their rate of reimbursement for their CPT codes. If a specialty has difficulty getting reimbursed from insurance companies then perhaps they aren’t a good fit.

Watch this Free Webinar to find out more from Jason Barnes, and to see exactly how it works. Enter your information and watch it immediately below.

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