Genesis Chiropractic Software Marks More Than a Decade of Integration with Cash Practice Software & Training


Genesis Chiropractic Software, the leading provider of technology solutions and chiropractic billing service systems, today marked more than a decade of integration with Cash Practice Software & Training, a solution that increases chiropractors’ cash collections and patient retention. For the past decade chiropractors nationwide have implemented this best-in-class integration that provides real-time synchronization of patients and payments.

“For more than a decade, the synergy between Genesis and Cash Practice has provided chiropractors with unparalleled opportunity,” said Brian Capra, DC and President of Genesis Chiropractic Software. “Our best-in-class integration has been proven to save time, increase productivity and patient retention as well as cash collections and substantially increase profits.”

Additional benefits for chiropractors include:

  • Saving more than 40 payroll hours per month
  • Both solutions are web-based
  • Single sign-on
  • Auto-posting of payments
  • Delivers more than payment processing with easy access to Care Plans, Wellness Reports and Payment Processing – including gift cards and online payment forms
  • Drip-Education email marketing system & auto-debit system
  • Cash Practice Academy
  • Increased convenience

Unique features Cash Practice offers chiropractors include:

  • Payments can be processed within the client record, whether it’s a recurring payment or one-time.
  • A sales receipt can be emailed to the client.
  • If a payment is declined – staff will know instantly with a pop-up on screen. The system will then email a patient directly giving them a button to click on, allowing them to pay online.
  • In the Point of Sale Section, staff have the ability to process a payment. For example, if a nutritional supplement is sold, it will auto-populate with a patient’s information and allow staff to automatically email the patient a receipt as well as pre-fills, Drip-Education campaigns – including educational information, patient reminders and more.

“Genesis initially reached out to us for payment processing because Cash Practice offers its clients so much more value than the competition,” said Miles Bodzine, DC and Owner of Cash Practice.

About Genesis Chiropractic Software
Genesis Chiropractic Software from Billing Precision, LLC was designed by chiropractic business owners with both patient experience and practice profitability in mind. It provides a complete chiropractic practice management system in the cloud that supports every role in a busy chiropractic practice, from the owner and practitioners to the front desk and back office. It automates the vast majority of standard tasks, including patient relationship management, revenue cycle management, compliance and office management. Its exclusive workflow functionality continuously improves productivity, control and predictability, fostering teamwork and time savings, which leads to greater profitability and practice growth.

About Cash Practice Software & Training
Cash Practice® Systems provides software and training for running a successful cash-based practice. Their suite of cloud-based programs are designed to reduce a doctor’s dependence on insurance and increase their cash collections whether they still accept insurance or not. The four systems include The Wellness Score® for creating report cards for health, the Cash Plan Calculator® for creating compliant payment plans, the Auto-Debit System® for recurring credit card payments and the Drip-Education® Email Marketing System for email marketing. For more information visit or call 877-343-8950 ext.101.


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