Dr. Chris Zaino on Patient Compliance – Changing History One Patient At a Time

Who is Dr. Chris Zaino? This video is one of the best introductions:

It is essential to the survival of a practice and chiropractic in general that doctors realize how important it is to manage the patient experience and perspective of their care. Too many times doctors spend all of their time focused on education and the initial “conversion” of the patient and forget to stay congruent with the message they sent. This alone will force patients that would have otherwise been great, referring patients, to second guess their decision to choose chiropractic care and its efficacy all together.

When a patient misses an appointment and it is not met with a sense of urgency by you and your staff, a subconscious or conscious message is perceived by the patient that there is no real value in the adjustment. The value is decreased, they will not get results, their interactions from that day forward with everyone they meet will never be what they could have been.

When we keep our patients accountable to the care we recommend the opposite is true. In either case history is altered and shaped.

It lies in the your hands to make sure you do the most with the opportunity to shape history for the better. The way you train your team, develop procedure, and even the technology can make all the difference.

Having “bad systems” or no systems cost millions of dollars and destroys the patients perspective of chiropractic and alters history.

Dr. Chris Zaino understands these facts better then anyone I have met. Spend 2 minutes with him and you’ll know it.

More to come…





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