Chiropractic Software Dream Practice Analysis Happiness

Happiness is a Dream Practice resulting from a Dream Practice Analysis and a map to get there.

Has Dr. Ben considered all the possible returns on his investment?

“Honey, I’m home!” Ben sang out theatrically as he opened the door. His son came running, with his wife not far behind.

 “How’d the Dream Practice Analysis go?” Carmen asked. Her beaming face showed the answer she was anticipating.

Ben swept her into an embrace and gave her the answer she expected. “It was great. Really useful.”

They settled onto the sofa and Carmen pulled their little boy onto her lap. “We went over the distinction between return on investment and expenses,” Ben went on.

“Did everybody get the concept?” Carmen asked.

“I really think they did,” Ben said. “It’s completely clear to me now, too. And then we looked at our practice stats compared with general industry and product information. That was really eye opening.”

“It can be so hard to get the information!” Carmen remarked. “It’s great to set benchmarks, though.”

“I don’t think we’ve ever heard that data before,” Ben agreed, “and I think everyone felt that sharing our information was worth it — the value of the information we got was excellent, and I don’t think we could have gotten so many highly relevant insights without sharing.”

“That makes sense. However much expertise people have, they can’t really speak to your needs if they’re just talking in the abstract.

“We had a good talk about the most useful metrics to follow, too, and how we can capture and use the data we need to be able to examine the different dimensions of the practice metrics that make the most sense for us.”

“Sometimes figuring out what to measure is the hard part,” Carmen observed. “It sounds like the process was very useful. What about the product?”

“They shared some opportunities and even some guarantees. We have to thrash it out, of course, but I think we’re ready to make an informed decision, with the Dream Practice Analysis.”

“That’s wonderful!”

“I’m feeling very optimistic. It seems like things are really looking up at the practice, and this could be a turning point for us.”

“Disney World for our vacation this year?” Carmen asked slyly. Their son perked up.

“Could be!” Ben smiled. “How about mini golf tonight?”

Jonathan jumped down and ran to the door. Carmen hugged Ben. “I think that’s a great idea, but you know what? The best part is seeing you happy.”

Ben smiled down at his wife. That was a kind of ROI he hadn’t thought about.

Has Dr. Ben considered all the possible returns on his investment?

Disclaimer: For HIPAA compliance, all characters appearing in this post are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons or actual events is purely coincidental.

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