Chiropractic Marketing – Top 5 Mistakes with Fred Lardaro – Metro Marketing

Chiropractor software documentation chiropractic marketing. Metro Marketing
Dr. Brian Capra:  Okay, everyone thank you very much for joining me again, this is Dr. Brian Capra from Billing Precision. Today, I have Mr. Fred Lardaro from Metro Marketing.  Metro Marketing is a New Jersey based company, they do amazing chiropractic marketing programs. I was a Metro Marketing client for a long time and one of my best patients, family of patients and referrals from that family and also eventually my office manager came from a Metro Marketing campaign. Again, Mr. Lardaro is on the phone today and I wanted to ask Fred, first of all thank you for coming on today and I’m going to ask if you can quickly tell me what is that Metro Marketing does specifically and then we’ll get right into the top five Chiropractic marketing mistakes. So, what is it that Metro Marketing does exactly in your words?
Frederick Lardaro:  Hey Brian, thank you for inviting me. For 16 years we’ve been generating prospective new patients for Chiropractors all across the United States and no upfront financial obligation to the doctors.  By that I mean they will actually be seeing new patients before they actually will be paying for them, given the way we construct our payment schedules. We find patients around Chiropractors who need the care and will become good patient and referral sources for the doctors with whom we work.
Dr. Brian Capra:  Awesome. Okay. So, you know, it’s a no-brainers as far as I’m concerned. Finding new patients is it just a telemarketing campaigns or is there any other services Metro Marketing offers?
Frederick Lardaro:  It is primarily a tele-service campaign and with no competition on our phone calls we engage in a conversation related to Chiropractic and will then introduce those folks with whom we’re speaking to the doctors who hire us. We’ll schedule them for an assessment or screening when the doctors want to see them at a place that’s comfortable for the doctors with whom we work.
Dr. Brian Capra:  Yeah, absolutely. I mean you can turn the volume up or down or and it’s really just the no-brainer. We would get the fax everyday which tells you who is coming in, when they are coming in and work like a charm. So, all right, let’s get into the top five Chiropractic marketing mistakes and if you could just review number one with us. Mistake number one wait and see attitude, what do you mean by that Fred?
Frederick Lardaro: 
Mistake #1: Wait and see attitude
With wait and see attitude what we’re finding is that the Chiropractors are just not going to do any marketing or advertising at all. A lot of folks are thinking that they are going to get all their business from referrals. What we’re trying to explain and what we represent and what marketing and advertising in general represent is a way to reach out to people in the community and let them know that you exist and let them know the benefits and the values of your services. And so, with advertising marketing you are going to find potential patients and future referral sources out there in the community who don’t know you and don’t know the patients that you’re currently seeing.
Mistake # 2: Creating a wrong marketing message for you and your practice. You know, the doctors have to find out, you know, what’s important to the people who matter the most and what they are really thinking, considered the geographic audience, where your patients are coming from, you know, zip codes. We worked in zip codes around the offices for the doctors with who we work, subject to audience, you want to know what’s important to those people was going to get them to actually – well receive your offer and then hear what you have to offer, they will be the once that raised their hand and introduce themselves and get themselves into your practice.
Mistake # 3: Not knowing your return on investment from marketing or advertise. You really want the greatest return, you want to keep back the statistics about what you’re getting in response to your marketing and advertising. Direct every, you know, you have to treat every patient as your only patient, don’t underestimate the value of your current patients and track where they are coming from, you got to know that.
Mistake # 4: Don’t cut back the marketing budget.
When money is tight one mistake is cutting back the marketing budget. While other Chiropractors are not marketing and advertising, that’s the best time for you to market and advertise. Lot of people slowdown and stop marketing around holidays or especially in the summer time. But, that’s the timing when there is less competition buying for the same patients and you have to feel about yourself and there is a better quality of patient out there for you.
Mistake # 5: Don’t look for the magic pill, be open to try new things different things, find the marketing and advertising that works best for use with your working smarter, not necessarily working harder and Brian I think that about doesn’t. There is my top five.
Dr. Brian Capra:  Okay. Fred, thank you very much, hopefully you can see on the screen where it says,, that’s your website. Do you have a phone number that everybody can reach out and get you?
Frederick Lardaro:  Anyone can reach me anytime at 1-800-696-7788 extension 242. And, you know, what? Anyone can call me for any reason, anytime, I would really welcome speaking with anybody about any topic related to Chiropractic and I certainly would appreciate any opportunity to produce new patients. So, the Chiropractors that are out there and interested in Metro Marketing.



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