Value Adding for Maximum Profit

I love this topic because it’s easy to miss the mark, especially since so many consultants and marketing firms misappropriate this term and don’t actually coach on value-adding. The idea of value-adding has come under scrutiny in light of the current trend of corporate acquisitions of primary care clinics and the rising patient expectation for comprehensive, patient-centered treatment (Abelson, 2023). This is because of how the healthcare industry is changing. There is a growing need to separate actual value addition from empty rhetoric when corporate companies acquire primary care operations. The demand for genuine, efficient value-adding solutions has never been greater due to the rise in patient expectations for a comprehensive healthcare experience. Don’t get me wrong, plenty do an absolutely amazing job, and their clients see great results, but more often than not, disaster strikes. Especially in the case of Joseph and Bonnie… When Joseph and Bonnie opened their practice, they were die-hard, convinced that they only needed to practice their specialty and nothing else. If we stay true to our specialty’s expertise and principles, we shouldn’t need anything else in the practice to thrive. Although reasonable, this viewpoint failed to consider the changing expectations of healthcare consumers. Patients are increasingly looking for holistic healthcare that covers their current requirements and their long-term well-being, according to Yussof et al. (2022). This suggests Joseph and Bonnie’s single-focused strategy didn’t meet the patient’s desire for comprehensive care. Today’s patients want treatments that address their current health needs and promote wellness, including preventative and long-term health management. Thus, healthcare professionals who offer more services are valued more. So they went about building out a space with the money their mentor had given them and whatever they could find and were adamant that physical therapy was the only service to be offered. Once the space was open, they began marketing to orthopedists in the area and getting patient referrals. That’s when the opportunities opened up. Patients started asking about ancillary services they didn’t have, making them feel like they looked silly. Patients asked about home fitness programs, nutrition, supplementation, and other specialties like Chiropractic or group fitness. The study by Patel & Singhal (2023) demonstrates the growing tendency of patients to seek comprehensive care. It showed that most patients favor healthcare facilities that offer various services under one roof. Patients increasingly view healthcare as a holistic activity. They want nutrition advice, exercise regimens, and alternative cures, not just specialist therapy. This shift in patient preferences fuels the desire for multi-service healthcare facilities that can meet several health and wellness goals. Initially, Joseph and Bonnie ignored it and kept progressing, growing at around 10%. They did a first-quarter review, and it was clear they were not on track to meet their financial freedom goals. They were convinced that something had to change, but they knew working harder to build new referring relationships was not scalable. They could only see so many patients daily, and hiring more therapists would add to their overhead. They needed a solution that minimized overhead growth while maximizing potential revenue. Joseph and Bonnie started taking patient requests seriously and realized a clear pattern. Patients were looking for wellness, not just treatment. Patients wanted to know if they could have a one-stop shop for preventative and therapeutic care. This was a new concept to Joseph and Bonnie, but they began exploring it and found an incredible and vast potential revenue stream in things like product offerings, DME, and more. Such a change toward integrated healthcare delivery is consistent with the ongoing tendency within the pharmaceutical sector to develop into wellness providers with patient-centric services (Moreno, 2019). This represents a larger healthcare shift from treating sickness to promoting well-being. Pharmaceutical corporations are expanding their position to include disease prevention, wellness, and patient-centric services for different health needs. Patients want a single source of preventative and therapeutic care. At first, Joseph and Bonnie only wanted to add what they could manage and keep the specialty singular. However, it soon became clear that their patients were looking for a more sophisticated preventative care so they hired a part-time nutritionist who turned into a full-time nutritionist. They bought used fitness equipment and hired a part-time fitness instructor who turned into a full-time instructor (Joseph recently replaced this person as the full-time trainer because of his personal love of fitness; the perks of being the boss). So what is value adding? Is it simply the addition of multiple complementary specialties into your practice? Maybe. Recent developments in primary and pharmacy care have demonstrated that value addition can be achieved by implementing cutting-edge health methods like digital medicines and remote patient monitoring (Smith, 2021). Value-adding extends beyond incorporating diverse specialties. Digital medicines and remote patient monitoring improve patient care and convenience. These strategies satisfy patients’ desire for individualized, accessible treatment, bringing value to a practice. It could also be the addition of community events, marble floors in the patient bathroom, or a cooling station with fancy refreshments. The true value add in a practice is unique to the patient community. It’s a matter of listening to the value-adds they seek and finding a way to accommodate them that supports the larger purpose and mission. If your practice is in a really nice part of town and you managed to get a great deal on space but are short on cash, it could be a matter of setting up one fancy area in your practice that you can afford to spruce up (it should also be functional, before you go replacing drapes). Whatever change you attempt needs to address two things: Patient requests – Surveys often help the most in this area Patient function – You want the value to add(s) to be usable in some way that improves the patient’s experience both individually and as a group   A fancy cooling station with multiple settings, fruit, vegetable-enhanced water, and more can get patients talking and feeling fancy. Often these changes can also help enhance the practice’s