Fortis Payment Systems is Integrated with Genesis.

Fortis payment systems is integrated with Genesis

  Use Fortis Payment Systems to process credit card payments in real time online, not with a slow telephone terminal. Fortis Payment Systems is Integrated within Genesis Chiropractic Software.  You can charge a patient’s card from within their account and you can charge their card easily from the Point of Sale screen as well.  The payments can be tagged separately and they’re automatically posted to the patient’s account. Fortis will handle all of your card charging needs securely and they will handle your PCI Compliance as well.  That’s very important.  Be sure that you absolutely do not store any patient credit card numbers in your office or you could have a PCI compliance violation. View this webinar to see other features and to see how it works. Learn more with the free webinar that can be viewed right on this page. Read the transcript: Jessica: All right. Well, let’s get started. Again, my name is Jessica Pancoast and I run our training desk and help desk. Today, we are concentrating on third party companies, and today it is Fortis and we have Jonathan McAlees from Fortis to help us out with that. Welcome, Jonathan. Jonathan: Thanks so much for having me. So, we’ll talk a little bit about the integration that we have and I’m not sure, do we have control yet, Jessica? Jessica: I did promote you to a presenter. You should be able to download the… Jonathan: Okay, perfect. Yeah, okay. Here we go. I’ll start sharing my screen. All right, can you see my screen now? Jessica: Yes. Jonathan: Perfect, okay. So, I’ll give you guys a little bit of background into Fortis real quick. So, Fortis is a merchant services company, so we do credit card processing. We specialize in that. We specialize in high-end niche verticals. So, what that means is we aren’t a processing company that is built for everyone. We go into very niche verticals and we specialize in that. And so, one of those verticals that we’re in is obviously the EHR kind of chiropractic, PT, medical background. And so, what we did was we built a specific gateway geared for specifically what you guys are doing. So, what we found was a lot of the stuff that was out there was built for everyone, and it’s built for these web developers and it’s not really built for an office to take payments for their patients. And so, when we met up with Vericle we were able to integrate, and they have this great integration that allows you to take one-time or, you know, store credit cards or bank accounts on file, as well as set up reoccurring payments if you need that. And so, you know, as the market changes and you guys deal with EMV, we wanna make sure that you’re compliant because one of the things that happens is offices don’t realize all the compliance that they’re under. So, lucky you, as an office, not only are you under HIPAA compliance but you are also under PCI compliance by the fact that you take credit card payments. And so, we wanna make sure that you’re compliant and make sure that you’re following the regulations, and we want that to happen on our side, not your side. So, we allow the software to handle all of your PCI compliance for you. One of the things that we see within offices is they do things like they write down credit card numbers. And that’s a big, big no-no in our space. Most offices don’t realize that you can get fined up to $5,000 per credit card that you have written down. So, this is not something you wanna do. It could bankrupt an office if you have a hundred or a couple hundred cards written down and you are breached like that. So, we wanna make sure that you’re compliant, that you’re not doing that, and the other thing is there’s easier ways to do that. So, we’re gonna show you a little bit of that today, how the integration works with Vericle, and how it seamlessly integrates and allows your payments to auto-post back. So, as you can see here, I am right in the Vericle system. I’ve got John Smith, my patient, selected. To access Fortis, all you have to do is click more and then Fortis. You can see we haven’t left Vericle, so we’re still in Vericle but we go right from the patient’s profile in Vericle to their profile within Fortis. Now, from within here, you can do anything you need to on the payment side. So, if you wanna run a one-time transaction, a one-time swipe, you can just click the charge contact button, swipe a card with the little $14 USB swiper from amazon and then your transaction is done. It’s just as if you were running a terminal, except this terminal is now online. Well, we kind of like to say, and we do have terminals and some offices like them, but we don’t often recommend them. Because think of it as a flip phone. A terminal is like a flip phone and this system is like an iPhone. So, you’d really, really be wasting out if the only thing you used on your iPhone feature was making phone calls and text messages. There’s a lot of other things that you can do. Well, that’s kind of similar here. So, we don’t want you just stuck only being able to do one or two things on a terminal. We have a full terminal online. So, you can come in here and swipe payments just like I showed you there. The other thing you can do, and this is really where we start to help save you time and money, is you can store credit cards or bank accounts in our system. We do this all securely, through a system or process called tokenization. If you’re not familiar with tokenization, essentially, what we are

How Do You Assess Your Practice?

assess your chiropractic practice

  How can you get your finger on the pulse of your practice? Assess your practice regularly because this week’s webinar is about your Collections. How do you assess both Insurance and Cash Collections. How do you track your collections? Do you have a tool to monitor the ups and downs with a simple glance at a chart? The tools to assess and track collections metrics are built into our software and your Practice Success Coach will help you to understand these metrics and their relationships to other metrics. These Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) must be measured to know the health of your Practice.  The KPIs can be seen at a glance with our radar chart and histograms, right on your home page. Learn more with the free webinar that can be viewed right on this page. Read the transcript: Jason: I thank all of you for spending some time with us on Tuesday afternoon, except for us here in California where it’s still the morning. Just got off the phone with [inaudible 00:00:08] in California. They were surfing earlier today. And now they’re gonna go in for their shift. Jessica: That would be nice. [inaudible 00:00:20] and cold here. Jason: Yeah. To start different, I asked them to stop describing their day to me. I just wasn’t interested in hearing anymore. But that’s okay. They were nice about it. They were really nice about it. But I’ve got Jessica Pancoast, the head of our training helpdesk team. And I am Jason Barnes, and I’m a chief operations officer here. And we’re continuing with our theme of assessing your practice on a regular basis. We wanna make sure that all the practices that work with us or if you don’t work with us and you’re thinking about working with us, how do you get your finger on the pulse of the practice so that you can tell what’s happening with your practice and whether or not there’s a moment during the month or week where you can tell, “Hey, things are not going well. Things are off the rails. How do I recover?” So we went over last time what are the metrics we should be looking at. And the first one was your collections. We then broke those down into two subcategories, your insurance and your cash collections. And so, today, we’re actually gonna spend some time going over that. And so, as always, our format is we mute everyone. There’s just too many people that come to have an open conversation. So should you have any questions, please chat them in, and we’d be happy to answer them as they come. So what I’m gonna do here is that…and I actually brought up data for one of our practices here. It’s anonymous at this point. But I do wanna focus on it for a moment. This practice is one of our more proficient and highly influential practices. And I know I’m thrilled that they’re with us, because they teach us a lot about how to run a practice as well. The art of practice management is always evolving. Nobody has all of the answers. But, together, we come pretty close with this particular practice. So we’re actually going to review this briefly. This is what we call our radar chart. And what this is is it allows you to look at practice performance across a lot of different metrics all in one view with two snapshots, and this particular snapshot goes over a long time period. That’s time period of October of 2014 to February of 2016. And so were able to take a look… Jessica: It’s okay if you don’t have it filled in. Jason: Oh, well, that’s not the way I wanted that to happen. I’m just looking if there’s any other profile that I can use. So what we’re gonna do is…unfortunately, this doesn’t allow me to drill into the historical data. Right now, you can see that the total collected is $93,000 for the month of October of 2014. And for the month of February, they’re projected to hit $96,505. It might be hard to see. That’s why I’m reading it out. No one knows if that’s good or bad. How do you know where or not collections are where they’re supposed to be or whether or not you’re going to perform well this month or underperform? Why? Why is it so challenging, because you might have a lot of visits this month? And if you look, they have 1,174 visits and $96,000 collected. We can tell because this is what their visit count is up here in the top. But a year and a half ago, Jess, they had 2,169 visits and almost the same amount in collection, $93,000. Today, we wanna talk about how these numbers don’t exactly add up. You wanna look at collections, but a lot of things can cause collections. One of the things that practices often do is try and correlate the high visits to high collections. You typically think, “If my visits go up, my collections should go up.” Most practices, that ends up being true. But in this particular case, collections went up, and the reason I choose this particular month is visits are way, way down. The reason for this is the month in which you’re collecting money typically isn’t the month that you saw the patient that those collections are attributed to a distribution of payments that come from the previous month, the previous six months. They can come from as far away for a personal injury account that reached a settlement on some sort of litigation from two years ago. So that’s one way of looking at it is you’re gonna have the bank account, fill up this month with payments for dates of service that range for the last two years. But their target and when they hit it is this month. So how on earth is a practice owner supposed to know whether

Top 10 Metrics You Should Track

metrics for chiropractors

  What Metrics Should You Track in Your Practice? Are metrics important to you? Our clients have determined that these are the most important metrics to track in your practice: Collections, Patients Visits, Charges, New Patients, No Shows, No Future Appointments, Accounts Receivable, Unbilled Visits, Unsigned Notes and Claims needing to be corrected by the Practice. They’re related to each other and they affect each other. How do you track them? Do you have a tool to monitor them with a simple glance at a chart? Do you have a radar chart or a histogram that you can understand with a quick look on the home screen?  The tools to track these metrics are built into our software and your Practice Success Coach will help you to understand the numbers and their relationships to the others. These Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) must be measured to know the health of your Practice. You’ll be able to see if you’re reaching your goals instantly because two time ranges compared show your improvements. Learn more with the free webinar that can be viewed right on this page. Read the transcript: This week’s webinar, the topic for this week is How to Measure the Success of Your Practice. Really what to measure? What things as a practice owner should you be looking at? What things should you have in place as weekly, monthly, yearly things that should be measured and then managed? So today is going to be which metrics you should look at, and we can talk about frequency, but that frequency is only recommended. You as a practice owner will be able to choose whatever frequency you’re looking at there. and we’ll actually get into how to find information within our system so practice owners can have this happen a little bit more easily should they be concerned about something, so the key indicators are going to be discussed today. And aside from that though, we’re going to…well, first I’ll start by introducing myself. My name is Jason Barnes, I’m the Chief Operations Officer here, and I may have been sitting here for about six and a half now helping practice owners figure out what to measure, and how to measure it in their practices. So what things should be measured, first of all? And why do you need to do it? And how it is going to begin? When you talk about the success of your practice, I have differing opinions from one practice owner to another. Some practice owners want to measure it on the amount of money that we’ve brought in. Others, the number of visits. Both of those numbers are very important, I would recommend that they both be looked at. But at the end of the day, you’re going to have to figure out which one is more important to you because there can be only one top number that will drive your practice and typically that number is dollars. A lot of practice owners prefer to look at visits but visits can be viewed in a number of different ways. So looking at this moving forward, we’re gonna take it down to the ones that we talk about the most, the ones that we’re going to utilize while actually making recommendations to practice. Collections. Now, collections can be viewed in a couple of different ways. The amount of money in your bank account, the amount of money posted in your system. If they’re the same amount of money, you’re doing really well, but if they’re not the same amount of money you’ve got a problem, and we need to figure out why there could be an issue there. But where do collections come from? And if they’re low, what can be done about them? So the first thing to show you is a diagram. You have a practice here…and I’ll make this slightly larger. You have a practice here with three different numbers on it, right? The blue line is their total collected, their green line is their cash collected, and their red line is their insurance collected. As trends would go, it looks like they’re trending down as they went in from the end of the year to the beginning of this year. It’s pretty typical for the end of the year where you’re having less [ inaudible 00:03:16] visits due to the holidays than in the beginning of the year where you see deductibles kick in. However, if you were to contrast that over patient visits, this is the same exact timeframe right now, you would know that visits dictate your collections. But there’s a big trend of going down from 2,088 ending at a much, much lower number here in the 1,400 range. So for this particular example, I brought up and put together a few diagrams. If you’re looking to increase collections, if the collections are indicating that they’re going down, there are a few obvious places to look, like going to visits. You would have to increase patient visits or you would have to fight underpayments. So if your visits weren’t going down, it means that the amount of money you were getting paid was going down. So there’s really only two ways that you could look at the metric of collections, two possible things that could be bringing it down. Either my visits went down or the amount I’m getting paid per visit went down. Either way, you have to know what to do next and which metric to look at next. So visits are fairly easy. You know, if you check somebody in, that’s a visit, and underpayment is a much more challenging thing. And I’d like for you guys to see a separate webinar we did on fighting underpayments and you can find it in any of our websites to go over how we do that. But then what? What is it that you’re gonna change? How is it you’re gonna manage your practice if you have

Can You Increase Your Cash Flow This Year?

increase collections with Genesis Chiropractic Software

  How Can You Increase Your Practice Income? By using our built-in Point-of-Sale (POS) system!  Use a bar code scanner to create an inventory that your patients would be interested in purchasing.  Use the same scanner to check out your sales and your inventory will be controlled automatically.  A task will open to alert you when products need to be re-stocked.  Learn all about your POS system with this free webinar.  See how easy it is to track your product sales and then see an increase in your bottom line.  See the POS system in action and learn more by watching this free webinar on this page right now. Read the transcript: Jason: All right, we’re gonna kick off today. My name is Jason Barnes, and I’m here with Jessica Pancoast, head of our support team, our help desk teams. Excuse me, I said support. I meant, training team and help desk team. And today we are going to discuss point of sale items. And we would love it if anyone had a question at any moment during this, don’t hope that we’ll cover it. Type in your question. Jess, where do they go to type in the question? Jess: It may also already be open on the left-hand side of your screen. If it’s not, at the top left, there will be a button that says, “Show chat,” and you can click on that, and then you’ll have the chat window on the left side, and you can enter your question down at the bottom. Jason: Awesome. So more and more with the practices that are using our system, we see that it’s a core offering in a major part of their business to sell products, different services that are not covered by insurance, that they only expect patients to pay in cash, you know, credit or check. And so we wanna make sure everyone understands how, number one, make sure that their services are coded, entered with associated prices or MSRPs, that they have a good understanding of how those items are entered and bundled underneath the patient accounting scheduler. And then we can show them how to actually look these items up from a reporting perspective, to see which positions, which locations, and which products are actually selling. And then on top of that, we wanna make sure that you are staying in control of your inventory. So that will be our agenda for today, to really walk you guys through our methodology, you know. As always, we have a specific way of doing things here within [inaudible 00:01:52], and we wanna automate as much as we possibly can. When you have an inventory control problem, for instance, we don’t want you to manually count the bottles of vitamins or your Biofreeze or your TheraBands, [inaudible 00:02:08], etc each and every day. When you have a shipping come in, that’s the time where you know you had 36 come through the door, we wanna make sure that the only manual part of this process for checking inventory is when you actually go in and enter in 36 additional of the unit came in. This also goes for pricing for things. We wanna make sure that you don’t have to remember pricing in the beginning. We wanna create a fee schedule that will pull each and every time you sell the same item. And this also will…it will go for a couple different places, like scanning and barcodes, you know, remembering codes, descriptions of things. We wanna make sure you guys know all the tips and tricks to really get the flow of this down. So to start with, we’re…Jess, you mind taking them through how somebody would manually enter in a product that they wanted to sell and track in the system? Jess: Sure. So to configure your point of sale items, you’re gonna go to configuration practice, and then go down to point of sale, and you’re going to get the list of… Jason: One control boxes. Jess: Sure. Place them in there. All right. So you’ll get the list of any items that you already have in the system. So then you have two options of adding new ones. You can go to the last page if you do have more than 30 by using the next button up the top so you get the blank four lines. Or you can simply click on the Add New button, which will immediately bring you to four quick empty lines that you can fill in. So to enter a point of sale item, what you’re going to do is you’re going to go into the CPT field. What do I recommend is hitting enter. This will pop up a window to let you know what your next CH code is in order rather than trying to remember which one you left off on. And then you can just select the next one. If you do try to reuse the CH code, you’re gonna run the error of there’s nothing to save. And it does have to be a CH code. You can’t make up your own CPT codes for these items. The CH codes are all entered in our database so our system can use them. So that is how you’re going to pick the CPT code to begin with. The next field, you’re just going to enter in the price of whatever item you are trying to sell, and then you’ll enter the tax for your state. You have two options. You can do the percentage or .075 will be 7% or type in 7 and it will just be the percentage. Jason: It sure is smart. It knows whether or not you meant to put it that one and didn’t. Jess: Yes. Jason: Okay, all right. Jess: In this instance, yes. Short description, just a basic abbreviated description of the item that you’re selling. I’m just going to make up that we’re selling a wrist brace.