Fulfill Your Chiropractic Calling and Vision

Learn how to fulfill your vision and the calling in your life with this short webinar.
Chiropractic hacked email
Learn what to do if your email is hacked and how it affects HIPAA compliance with this short webinar.
Episode 000 – The Ups and Downs of Starting and Growing a Successful Chiropractic Practice

No one ever said growing a successful practice was easy, but if you work hard enough for long enough it will eventually pay off. Listen to Dr. Tabor Smith, the host of Practice Growth Strategies, as he walks you through the ups and downs of growing his practice. You’ll discover how he almost lost it all, but out of sheer determination, re-built his practice from the ground up and turned it into a thriving Chiropractic office. Practice Growth Strategies is the official podcast of Genesis Chiropractic Software. Subscribe to us on iTunes and stay tuned for more Practice Growth Strategies! Transcript Text: Announcer: Welcome to Practice Growth Strategies, bringing you tips and strategies from the best in the business. To find exclusive work flow, scheduling documentation, billing and all of the tools your practice needs in one easy-to-use platform visit GenesisChiropracticSoftware.com. Here’s your host, Dr. Tabor Smith. Tabor: Hello and welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Growing Practice Strategies. I’m your host, Dr. Tabor Smith. On this first episode, I just wanted to really welcome you here. I wanted to share a little bit about myself and also what we’re going to be doing with Growing Practice Strategies. I have been very privileged over the course of my career. I’ve been a chiropractor for eight years now, and for the last few years I’ve been privileged enough to be able to do a lot of webinars. I’ve done well over 100 webinars with some of the brightest, some of the smartest and some of the most gifted people in our profession, the wonderful profession of chiropractic. I’ve also been privileged and blessed to do webinars for an amazing company called Genesis Chiropractic Software. If you haven’t checked out GenesisChiropracticSoftware.com, I highly recommend you do that. I use Genesis in my office. It’s an amazing software. I know some of the biggest offices in the world and some of the best chiropractors in the world use Genesis as well, so I highly recommend you look into it. Let me just mention a name. One of the big guys at Genesis is Brian Capra. What a great guy. He is a good friend of mine. He has asked me to host this podcast on behalf of Genesis. He has lined up an amazing list of speakers. As these episodes unfold, I want you to subscribe. I want you to make sure you’re listening to every single one because there’s going to be some tips, some jewels, that you’re going to get out of these episodes that could literally spring your practice forward years in advance. I think you’re going to find huge value in these. Let me start off by telling you a little bit more about myself. I graduated from Parker Chiropractic School. When I first got out, I actually went back to New Mexico and worked for a little while back in New Mexico for about six months. I was going to buy the office that I was working in. That office was for sale. I decided to go back and get a job there and then I would work into buying that practice. It fell through. I believe in our life that failures matter just as much as successes, and I think if you probably looked at your life as well you’d probably see that there are some failures there that you’d look back and say, “Thank God that it didn’t work out.” It’s the same thing with me. I was so glad that I wasn’t able to buy that practice. What happened then was I was able to get another job as an associate chiropractor in Amarillo, Texas, for an amazing chiropractor. Some of you might even know him, Dr. Shane Hand. At the time, we had probably one of the biggest chiropractic offices in the State of Texas and I got to work for him. That’s where I learned the principle of chiropractic. I learned just the power in the adjustment. It was absolutely amazing when I saw life change in front of my eyes. I think it’s okay to say this. We were part of WLP, Dr. C.J. Mertz was a coach there in that office. He’s a great guy. I think it was about after three months of care the person would come back for a group re-exam, basically. It’s where you get the group together and you do another mini doctor’s report just to kind of set those people back on the path of understanding their care and understanding why they are getting adjusted at that office. At that three-month mark there would always be four or five people in this little group re-exam, this group report of findings. What Dr. Shane would do is he would ask each one of these patients what their experience was so far in the office. In front of everybody, in front of the whole group, he would say, “What is your experience? What have you noticed in your three months of care?” I remember 99% of the people in there would have some kind of improvement. Something was better. Some of them would even be absolutely miracles and amazing. I remember sitting there as a chiropractor, just a year out of school, thinking, “Wow.” I had an amazing experience where I could barely walk. I had numbness and pain shooting down my legs, and chiropractic changed my life when I was a teenager. That’s what made me want to go to chiropractic school. When I was able to see that happen in so many people’s lives in such a large practice, that’s when I realized that chiropractic was an amazing thing and that I was extremely blessed to be a chiropractor. I worked in that office for two years. I loved it. Dr. Shane is still a mentor of mine. Then my wife and I, Dr. Gina Smith, moved from Amarillo to Houston, Texas. We decided to open our own practice. We’ve been practicing here in Houston
Chiropractic Philosophy
Learn how to strengthen your chiropractic philosophy and become a more principled chiropractor with this short webinar.