See Your Office From Anywhere in the World

How Genesis Chiropractic Software Allows You to “See Your Office” From Anywhere in the World Having a relief doctor come in and take care of your patients is a necessary part of today’s Chiropractic office environment. We all need time away to recharge, go on vacation with family, or just get a little time for ourselves. The question becomes- what happens in a busy office while you are away? Let’s take a look at a great example from one of our dedicated users. Dr. Michael Lagana is an example of a Chiropractor enjoying tremendous success in using Genesis Chiropractic Software. Dr. Lagana owns the Backsmart Wellness Center in Edison, NJ and has been using the software for over 6 years. His integrated office offers chiropractic care, acupuncture, massage therapy, physical therapy, and hypnotherapy for those who want an alternative approach to weight loss or help to stop smoking. Dr. Lagana recently took a trip to Italy and was able to see any number of metrics about his office even while he was away. He says, “I was able to not only log in to my system to see who was in my office, but how many patients I saw, what I billed that day, and what the status of my office was while I was in another country.” For Dr. Lagana, this eliminated the stress that often comes with running your own practice. He didn’t have to wait until he was home to find out whether the practice was performing optimally. Instead, with Genesis, he had his practice at his fingertips… even a world away. He loves the fact that he doesn’t have to worry about office cash flow or patient collections. Everything is within easy reach and his staff is able to manage these issues without him getting involved. With Genesis, a simple click provides detailed practice metrics. Without even stepping foot in his office, Dr. Lagana knows with 100% certainty whether his staff is performing all of the tasks that are required to ensure his practice remains successful. He can see if a task has been missed, his front-desk staff forgot to make a follow-up call, or if an exam had to be re-scheduled. No matter where they are in the world, the Genesis Software for Chiropractors gives clients all the information they need about their office, allowing them the opportunity to actually relax and enjoy that time away from the office. Contact us today to see how we can help you achieve confidence and peace of mind the next time you need time away.
What Are We Thankful For People?

We Are Thankful for at Genesis Chiropractic Software With the holiday season here, I just wanted to take this chance to tell you all what we here at Genesis Chiropractic Software are thankful for. Often as a business we get in the mode of just demonstrating how our product works to help our potential clients but the holidays remind us to be thankful for the things we already have. So, today, I want to talk about how grateful we are for the over 7,000 users who have already leveraged the power of Genesis to make running their practices easier and more profitable. I want to thank Dr. Charles Majors who said to us, “As a chiropractor, my number one thing is putting my hands on patients and changing their lives… not having to worry whether the money is happening. With Genesis and Billing Precision, it’s like having an amazing C.A. (chiropractic assistant) in your practice, who is collecting and getting it done.” Dr. Majors, we are thankful for you and your practice. We are happy that we have been able to work with you to increase your practice’s patient retention, collections, compliance, and more. I want to thank Dr. Chris Zaino, a Genesis user who says that our software has given him the power to connect with his patients in a split second. We are thankful to partner with Dr. Zaino and watch the amazing increase in patient compliance his practice has experienced. I also want to thank Dr. Jason Haas who told us that Genesis, “gives our practice an incredible certainty we couldn’t get with other practice software.” And, Dr. Troy Dreiling who said, “One of the issues that always comes up is billing… Genesis Chiropractic Software and working with them has been amazing for me. I have tried lots of different software. The staff would put in the CPT codes and the diagnosis codes or they’ve tried to do the chart notes and help me. We’ve hired different companies or different employees to do the things that actually help get our billing done and in compliance… Genesis Chiropractic Software has been amazing at that. Number one, it’s very, very easy.” These are just a few of the testimonials we have received from practices using Genesis. And, every time we read a new one, we are reminded of why we do this in the first place… to leverage the power of the patient experience to build stronger, better, more profitable chiropractic practices. It is working with doctors and practices like these every day that make being part of the Genesis Chiropractic Software team so rewarding. Being able to see every day practices go from struggling to successful… watching practices use Genesis to increase patient retention and compliance, improve collections, and boost the patient experience. Here at Genesis, we are thankful for our clients… our partners in healthcare.
Genesis Chiropractic Software Has Made Life Easier

Patient Retention With Genesis Chiropractic Software Has Made Life Easier for This Chiropractor In our last blog post, we looked at a just a couple of the success stories Chiropractors have experienced using Genesis Chiropractic Software in their practices. Today, I wanted to take you to the office of Dr. Charles Majors. Dr. Majors has a high-volume practice, with 1,500 patient visits each week. Leveraging the power of Genesis in his practice has allowed him to increase patient retention, collection, compliance, referrals, and more. According to Dr. Majors, Genesis has, “allowed our collections to go up.” Since he no longer has to worry about collections and the practice’s cash flow, he can stay focused on what’s really important – his patients. “As a chiropractor, my number one thing is putting my hands on patients and changing their lives… not having to worry whether the money is happening. With Genesis and Billing Precision, it’s like having an amazing C.A. (chiropractic assistant) in your practice, who is collecting and getting it done.” Genesis has also helped Dr. Majors improve patient retention. With Genesis, he always knows exactly where a patient is in their treatment plan. He can pull up their x-rays and go over them with the patient and says that Genesis is quicker and more efficient than his previous system. “I can look right at the screen and know if the patient has missed an appointment. I know that instead of being three times a week, they’ve been two times a week. If I can move them to three times a week – like they should be – it saves their life and increases collections.” Genesis Chiropractic Software makes it easy because when patients scan in at the front desk, if they are missing appointments, a red screen pops up. Dr. Majors’ staff immediately know to talk to the patient about scheduling their visits. Dr. Majors says, “Since we’ve gotten (Genesis) and Billing Precision, patient retention is better. Patients are staying longer… compliance is better.” With patients staying on schedule with their treatment plans and remaining in care longer, collections are way up for Dr. Majors, all without him having to work more to get it done. Another benefit, he has seen has been an increase in referrals for his practice. Dr. Majors attributes this to the fact that since patients aren’t missing visits, they are getting better faster and telling others about it. According to Dr. Majors, there are also hidden benefits to having these systems in place. He says, “When collections go up and volume goes up, C.A.’s are happier and life gets easier.” Dr. Majors has seen the power of Genesis Chiropractic Software at work in his practice. From increased collections and patient retention to happier patients, who refer more, Genesis has helped transform his high-volume practice and make life easier for him and his staff.
Patient Retention Success Stories
We’ve talked a lot about how putting Genesis Chiropractic Software to work in your office can help you create a better patient experience, increase revenue, improve patient retention, and just generally make your life easier. Today, I wanted to take the chance to introduce you to two of our real-world success stories, doctors just like you who leveraged the power of Genesis and have seen the incredible results first-hand. The first doctor I’d like to introduce to you is Dr. Chris Zaino. Dr. Zaino’s practice sees 2,600 patient visits each week. A high-volume practice like this one is an amazing opportunity to change the lives of so many patients through the power of Chiropractic, but also provides many opportunities for patients to fall through the cracks. That’s why Dr. Zaino is so happy with the access to patient care plans that Genesis provides. Dr. Zaino says that the Genesis heat index that shows him and his staff immediately through a color-coded system whether a patient is missing visits gives him the opportunity to take action right away and get patients back on track with their care plans. In the Genesis system, when a patient is compliant with their care plan, the screen you see is white. If they miss a visit, it turns pink to warn you that they need to get back on track. If more visits are missed, the screen will be red. According to Dr. Zaino, that red screen is great for reminding him to take the time to connect with his patient and explain to them the importance of their care because for every visit they miss, they are “going backward”. Dr. Zaino says, “It’s all about connecting and connecting can be done in a split second if you’re doing it right.” Another doctor, who has harnessed the power of Genesis in his office is Dr. Jason Haas. Dr. Haas loves the fact that the Genesis system is set-up to provide easy interface with the Posture Screen software. He uses the Posture Screen tools in his office to educate his patients on what their posture looks like, should look like, and to provide follow-up data on changes in their posture as a result of their compliance with their care plan. With Genesis and Posture Screen, Dr. Haas’ patients can see immediately what their posture looked like prior to care and how it has improved. Dr. Haas says, “Genesis makes it easy to use with their interface. This gives us an incredible practice certainty we couldn’t get with other practice software.” The successes that Dr. Zaino and Dr. Haas have had with Genesis in their practices is just a small sampling of the incredible stories we have received from doctors who have implemented the software in their Chiropractic offices. From increasing patient compliance to simply making running their offices more efficient and intuitive Genesis has provided countless benefits to our doctors.