Starting with My Why

I recently read the book “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek .  It really hit home with me that the reason behind why we do something is often so much more important than our actions themselves.  This made me re-evaluate my life, my business, and the Chiropractic profession as a whole. In many ways, our profession has come so far but looking at it from this new perspective, I could see how we have often gotten away from our true values, what made us Chiropractors in the first place.  It made me think of one phrase, again and again…”It’s about time.”  There are so many things in Chiropractic that it’s about time for, don’t you think?  It’s something you are going to be hearing from me over and over because it is time for progress. In that spirit, I think that it’s about time that you know my background and why I became a Chiropractor in the first place.  It’s important because my why has made me who I am.  It’s driven me to not only help patients but to help other Chiropractors improve the patient experience and build practices that get back to the root of the profession, making sure that every patient understands the importance of Chiropractic in their lives, in their health, and in creating their futures. I was always an athlete and into health and wellness.  I always steered away from medications.  I was also very into science and found that I was good at biology and math, so in my second year of undergraduate, I decided to become a biology major.  The problem was that I didn’t have a direction, a passion. By the end of college, I still did not know what I was going to do until one day, my mother gave me a call.  She told me that she worked with a woman who had a son who was a Chiropractor.  He was going to be speaking and asked if I wanted to check it out.  I wasn’t expecting much because I had a cousin who was a Chiropractor and I had actually seen one myself for an injury in high school but had never heard anything about the Chiropractic philosophy. Still, I went to the seminar and when he began speaking about what Chiropractic was really about and how it really worked, I knew with 100% certainty that I had found my life’s work.  It was a moment of total congruency and surety that only happens a few times in your life.  I drove back to school that night where I was just finishing up my biology degree and said, “Hey, I’m moving to Georgia and going to Chiropractic school.” The Chiropractic philosophy became “my why”.  It is the reason that I knew with such certainty that Chiropractic held the path for my life, that it was my passion.  It is still the reason that I get up each day and work toward improving the patient experience in all Chiropractic offices.  The Chiropractic philosophy is the reason behind everything we do in our profession, so isn’t it about time that we all remember why we became Chiropractors in the first place?

Your Dream Practice Starts With a Plan

We’ve talked about using cutting edge Chiropractic software to break down, quantify, and improve the patient experience.  We’ve even talked about your “Big Why”, your reason for doing what you do, your one big goal.  Now we’re are going to talk about how you get there, your roadmap to your Big Why. One of the first things we do when we are preparing a new practice to utilize our chiropractic software is what we call the “Dream Practice Analysis”.  When we are doing this practice analysis, we have our doctors take a conscious look at their goals and think about what they really want in both their practice and their lives.  We do this because everything must begin with the “Why”. There is a quote by Eisenhower that says, “To plan is nothing but planning is everything.”  This means that although things may not follow your plan exactly, just the simple process of planning itself is powerful. Nowhere is this more true than in planning your future and the future of your Chiropractic practice.  By laying out your goals, you go through the process of internalizing what you truly want over and over again.  This will change your history. There is one more quote that I think illustrates this point so clearly.  “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road can take you there.”  This means that if you don’t have a goal, it doesn’t matter what you do because you have no end in mind. Knowing what your goals are keeps you true to yourself and motivates you to keep moving toward your dream practice.  Writing down your goals and keeping them where you can read them and internalize them on at least a weekly basis is a reminder to you of why you are doing the things you do each day, even when you may feel tired or start to forget their purpose. Just like our patients can start to forget the benefits of Chiropractic in their lives and drop off from care, we as doctors and practice owners can begin to forget the benefits of utilizing our Chiropractic software and practice management techniques.  And, when we let them fall to the wayside, our practice and our patients suffer. By having a plan and beginning with the end in mind, we can avoid these pitfalls.  Start by setting out your goals.  What do you want from your practice and from your life?  What type of care do you want to give your patients?  Who do you want to be to your patients and to your family?  What do you want your tombstone to say?  Ask yourself these questions, picture your dream life, and write down your goals, clearly and in detail.  Everything, including your dream practice starts with a plan.  

Genesis Chiropractic Software Releases a New Care Plan Solution for Chiropractors

  Automated Care Plan Management Software Is Now Available with Genesis Chiropractic Software Genesis Chiropractic Software helps practice owners automate patient care planning and monitoring. Their Care Plan software creates an agreement between the practice owner and the patient that automatically manages all five aspects of the patient care plan, including financial, scheduling, monitoring, notification, and projections. According to Dr. Brian Capra, President of Genesis Chiropractic Software, design and tracking a comprehensive care plan is very complex. “Patient will not commit to care if they cannot easily understand their financial commitment. As importantly, chiropractic office owners must stay compliant by charging, adjusting, and writing off the correct amounts. In our experience, insurance companies leverage any opportunity to delay longer and underpay more insurance claims. We leverage the cloud, billing experts, and Artificial Intelligence to create an effective and easy to use individual patient care plan,” says Capra.   About Genesis Chiropractic Software by Billing Precision, LLC: Genesis Chiropractic Software by Billing Precision was designed by chiropractic business owners with both patient experience and practice profitability in mind. Genesis chiropractic software provides a complete chiropractic practice management system that supports every role in a busy chiropractic practice, from the owner and practitioners to the front desk and back office. It automates the vast majority of standard tasks, including patient relationship management, revenue cycle management, compliance and office management. Its exclusive workflow functionality continuously improves productivity, control and predictability, fostering teamwork and time savings, which leads to greater profitability and practice growth.