How to Build a Huge Chiropractic Practice with Dr. Stephen Franson!

chiropractic success principles

Dr. Stephen Franson has not only built a huge, wellness based Chiropractic practice, but he’s also helped dozens of Chiropractors to do the same thing.  He has studied the process of building successful practices and teaches it to Chiropractors from around the globe. Dr. Franson is the founder of The Remarkable Practice where he shares his research and strategies.  In this interview he will tell you all about the lifecycle of his practice (a 1,000 visit per week office), and how he closed the “side doors” on his office and converts most of his corrective care patients to longterm family wellness plans. Check out this quick video interview below, and then leave us a comment!   For more info on The Remarkable Practice Click Here  

6 Steps to Performing Ultimate Teacher Appreciation Days, and Helping More Teachers in Your Community!

Chris Burfield Is A Top Notch Chiropractic Marketer Who Has Helped Hundreds Of Chiropractors Get More New Patients Through Teacher Appreciation Days! “We made over $20,000 doing just a few teacher appreciation programs.  It’s the easiest thing we’ve ever done.” – Dr. Jeremy “I am taking the next two weeks off because my schedule is already SOOOO FULL…”  – Dr. Tim      Many chiropractors have approached their local schools and tried to set up special events for the teachers, few have succeeded.  Until now!  Mr. Chris Burfield has the answer.  Burfield says there are 6 major steps to performing the Ultimate Teacher Appreciation Day.  Here they are in order: Step #1:  Gather the necessary materials.      First you will need food (since you are going to cater the teachers lunch), and a massage chair (a fold up chair will work just fine).  You will also need stress surveys, a clip board, pens, your appointment book, business cards, a map with directions to your office, new patient intake forms, and patient education handouts.  Also, you might want to bring information about what they should expect on their first visit.  This helps to prepare them, as well as, cut down on missed appointments (some people have anxiety about visiting chiropractic offices). Step #2:  Arrive 30-45 minutes early.      This allows you to get the schedule of who will be getting trigger point therapy that day.  (You will drop the schedule off in advance so that teachers can schedule their trigger point therapy, in 10 min increments.)  You will need to arrive early so that you can set up your area. Step #3:  Meet and greet.      Always, always, always greet each teacher with a smile and a firm hand shake.  Don’t forget to make good eye contact.  Confidence is always a factor.  Never let them see you sweat.  Just be laid-back, cool, and professional.  Have the teachers fill out a stress survey, and then go over it with them.  Ask them questions like, “How long have you had these symptoms?”, “How often do you have them?”, “What does it feel like?”, and “Are you doing anything about it?”  Once they tell you all about it, follow up with something like this, “Hmmm. Ok. Well I am really curious to see what I find here.”  This will let the person know you are looking for something associated with their health problems. Step #4:  Perform the trigger point therapy.      Make sure you apply enough pressure to make them feel the tenderness in their body.  Remember, this is not a massage.  This is trigger point therapy.  There is a difference.  One of your purposes, is to make them aware of the health problems they have, and offer an opportunity to visit your office.  So when you find those major tender points ask them, “Mary, do you feel that?” “Is that sore or tender?”  When she says, “Yes.” respond by saying something like this, “Mary, that’s not normal.  You shouldn’t have those painful knots.  You shouldn’t be feeling anything but pressure.”  At this point you might bring up her stress survey and say something like, “Something is causing your headaches, and I think I may have found the problem.  I need to do a further examination to know for sure.” Step #5:  Make your offer.      Try saying something like this, “Here’s the deal.  We are working with your school, and because of that we are able to offer you a free exam in our office.  Everything has been taken care of in advance, so it won’t cost you a dime to have your problem evaluated.  Our office wants to do something special and nice for teachers.  Is there any reason why you wouldn’t want to take advantage of this today?” Step #6:  Schedule the appointment.      Use this layout for scheduling so that you cut down on confusion, “What time works best for you?  Mornings or afternoons?”  “What day works best for you?  Monday or Tuesday?”  If the person replies, “Monday afternoons.”  You can say something like, “I have a 4 o’clock or a 5 o’clock.  Which one works best for you?”  Give them a new patient packet that has all of your information and their new patient intake forms and move on to the next one.      If you enjoyed the above information and want to hear more about how to set up and perform successful Teacher Appreciation Days in your area then click on the link below and get instant access to the entire Genesis Chiropractic Software Webinar with Chris Burfield. Click Here To Access The Ultimate Teacher Appreciation Day Webinar With Chris Burfield! See more of the Chiropractic Leaders Webinars that Genesis offers you. Many of those webinars have been converted into podcasts on iTunes.

Dr. Allen Miner, Wellness Radio Expert!

chiropractic radio show

Have you ever wanted to know “How To Start Your Own Radio Show”? Genesis Chiropractic Software brings you Dr. Allen Miner, host of Albuquerque’s number 1 wellness radio show “An Ounce of Prevention”!  Dr. Allen Miner will show you exactly what you need to do to start your very own radio show today!  Click Here Now To Get Instant Access To The Entire Interview! “When you have your own radio show, you are speaking to a captive audience.  People who are driving are less distracted by their cell phone, text messages, email, chores, and all these other things flying at them.  They are focused on the road, and listening to the radio, that’s it.  There’s no better way to share your message than through the radio!”  –  Dr. Allen Miner Dr. Allen Miner is a very successful chiropractor in Albuquerque NM.  He has built not only 1, but 4 successful chiropractic clinics by harnessing the power of RADIO!  He has generated thousands of patients, and millions of dollars, through the years, with his very successful radio show “An Ounce of Prevention”.   …And now he is sharing exactly how YOU can become a Wellness Radio Expert too in this 100% free webinar!  If you have ever thought about doing your own radio show, or if it just sounds like something you would be interested in… Click Here Now To Get Instant Access To the Entire Interview!  

Facebook Made Simple with Dr. Matthew Loop and Genesis Chiropractic Software!

Dr. Matt Loop Chiropractic social media expert

After watching the majority of fellow chiropractors use Facebook haphazardly, while making things more complicated than they need to be, I felt compelled to offer some guidance. A handful of doctors are harnessing the enormous social network the right way to become famous locally, create surges of website traffic, and attract a swarm of new patient referrals. Here are a few tips to jump-start your Facebook practice marketing in the right direction:  Be empathetic with your friends, fans, and audience Chiropractors really need to put themselves in the position of other friends on Facebook. You cannot dominate the conversation and expect to build strong relationships. It’s important to listen to what others have to say first, then respond appropriately. You can provide user feedback by “liking” status updates, using the Facebook share button, or by commenting on a friends post. Spend a few minutes each day doing each thing mentioned. The news feed makes it easy for you to make this happen. Be warned… the quantity of feedback / value you offer is directly proportional to the credibility, trust, and liking your create with your Facebook friends and fans.  Use the Appropriate Etiquette Here’s the deal. When other users accept your friend invitation, it doesn’t automatically give you the right to spray links to your website on their wall. That’s not what people are looking for. This makes you look stupid and isn’t polite. Secondly, don’t throw your links in messages when you send a friend request. It’s more annoying than anything else and your acceptance rate will be minimal to zero. People can sense your true intentions.  Don’t Alienate your Friends / Fans, Engage them: Realize that people on your list are not the same. Not everyone thinks health is a top priority. Don’t always post the same type of content. Mix it up with quotes, open-ended questions, and jokes. Show a human side that makes you appear genuine and real.  Never Assume Others Want to Be in Your Group Don’t automatically add people to groups that you create. That will get you in trouble quick. This was one of Facebook’s bonehead ideas, to let other people just ad anyone to groups. Always get permission first before adding others. Invite them and let them make their own choice.  Get a custom Facebook Fan Page Built The first thing to do is to create a Facebook business page, also called a fan page. You can go to to do this. You’ll want to have a custom fan page created that looks professional. This particular page is where visitors will land when they initially see you. The goal of this unique page is a couple things. First, you want to get the Facebook user to “like” your fan page. Next, you must provide an ethical bribe so the user offers-up their contact info (name / email) to you. I would definitely recommend that you get a professionally done video with your Facebook fan page. It ads a WOW factor and separates you from the rest of local doctors. There’s an old saying that goes “you never get a second chance to make a first impression.”  Start Using Facebook Ads Of the many ways to get an avalanche of targeted local traffic to your chiropractic website, this is the fastest way. It’s literally like flipping a switch. The Facebook ads platform can be a little complicated, hence the reason I created an entire training around it. You really have to be detail specific to be successful with Facebook advertising. If you’re serious about becoming a master of Facebook Advertising WITHOUT making the expensive mistakes that most initially make, you’ll want to grab a copy of Social Media Elite. In it, you’ll discover what’s called The Ultimate Facebook Ads Marketing Blueprint. It contains all of the most effective strategies from a chiropractor that’s spent over $101,000 on this medium to date. You’ll learn which images pull clicks and traffic like gangbusters, how to attain a rock-bottom cost per click (CPC) every time, expensive mistakes 97% of chiropractors are making when using Facebook Ads, the RIGHT way to follow-up with an interested prospective patient on Facebook (most chiropractors NEVER do this), and much more… Use Facebook’s Check-in Function for Smart-Phones I absolutely adore this feature. You should have EVERY single patient that has an iPhone or Android “check-in” on Facebook from their smart-phone whenever they’re at your clinic. This gets you mass exposure quickly since all of the users friends on the social network will see where they’re at. Offer some type of incentive (if your state-board allows it) for current patients so they’re motivated to check-in at your practice for all of their friends to view. This is simple, endorsed viral traffic. Create Valuable Content that Facebook Users Feel Compelled to Share It is critically important that you provide value-driven information your Facebook audience feels compelled to share and take some form of action with. This action may include them commenting, clicking the LIKE button, or using the SHARE icon to spread the content to their friends. This is really endorsed referral traffic and the best form of visitors you could get. The people that come from this type of “attraction” marketing are high quality and are likely to select you as their chiropractor. In this article, I’ve laid-out a few important strategies you can implement today as a chiropractor so you can begin to use Facebook the correct way. This is only a small fraction of what you need to know, though. Visit my Marketing Blog: This electronic message contains information from Dr. Matthew Loop that may be privileged and confidential. The information is intended for the use of the addressee(s) only. If you are not an addressee, note that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the contents of this message is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please contact the sender. As you can see, if you’re not all over the internet, and even