360° Relationship Management
360° Relationship Management – How Genesis can Easily Show You Everything about Your Practice There are many choices out there when it comes to choosing your practice software. However, unless it was designed to give you a comprehensive review of EVERYTHING happening in your office in REAL TIME, you are not getting all the information you need to make the best decisions at the particular moment. Relationship management is difficult without all of the information in your software. Genesis was designed with three things in mind: the patient relationship, relationship management, and practice profitability. Without taking all three of these into account, your practice is not going to operate as efficiently as it could, costing you both money and time. “Everything is there right in front of you.” Genesis software provides an ONC-certified scheduling, documentation, and billing solution, a complete chiropractic EHR and practice management system that supports you in every aspect of your practice. You have the ability to automate the vast majority of tasks in ALL aspects of your practice, with emphasis on the management of patient relationships, the revenue cycle, as well as compliance and office management. Dr. Dan Volosin, DC of Advanced Health and Wellness, says that Genesis offers amazing detail and is user friendly. According to Dr. Volosin, the best thing about using Genesis Chiropractic Software in his office is that “Everything is there right in front of you.” He goes on to say, “There are so many features to it that, in my opinion, make it the best choice for a Chiropractic office. I have used four other programs in the last 10 years, and this one is definitely the most thorough one available. It seems like they have everything I have ever wanted in an office program and then some!” Justin James, DC of James Family Chiropractic, agrees. He says, “I’ve been using Genesis for almost 10 years now, and I’ve never thought about using anything else. It just takes care of everything all in one system. If I opened another practice and had to start all over, I would not consider anything else.” The fact is, Genesis Chiropractic software is the complete solution for all of your practice needs. It was conceived and designed to give DCs everything they need to run their office both effectively and efficiently. No other software product out there gives DCs more control and more feedback on what is happening in their practice Learn how to make Genesis Chiropractic Software your solution in your practice. Contact our sales team today and get started seeing the results in your office that over 9,000 clients are already experiencing.
Care Plans Improve Patient Care and Boost Revenue
Improve Patient Care and Boost Revenue by Automating Your Patient Care Plans Using a Care Plan for your patient is a critical tool that you need to ensure the success of your Chiropractic practice. They allow you to track the financial commitments your patients have made to your office, their adherence to their scheduled visits and even provide you with timely alerts to ensure you’re able to handle issues as they come up. The reason care plans are so vital is that when a patient walks through your door and you want to help that person achieve and realize their health goals, that patient will have to commit to more than one visit to make that happen. One visit is never going to solve the problem. A care plan makes it clear to patients how many visits are planned, how they’re going to be charged, how they’ll make payments and finally, how they’re going to schedule those visits. And, they allow you to know when a patient is off track. Genesis Chiropractic Software automates your patient care plans to ensure all of these functions are performed optimally, with very little time commitment involved to set them up. You simply create a new plan, set up the visit counts and schedule. The care plan will bill all insurance visits first, then all cash followed by any visits that are free. Setting up care plans with Genesis allows you to have a more clear financial conversation with your patient. Setting up a care plan with Genesis allows you to have a more clear financial conversation with your patient. They know exactly how much they will be billed and when. They understand how many visits they will need to make and when. There is no ambiguity. And, once the visits are scheduled, the patients can automatically receive a reminder call or text message reminder, making it less likely they will forget their appointments. With Genesis, you can even automatically set a re-exam schedule. For example, every 10th visit the patient will have a re-exam to determine whether their care plan needs to be extended. You can also set alerts to pop up, for example a “Medicare 12 visit re-exam alert.” This ensures every patient is receiving optimal care and no required exams are missed. Genesis even offers pop-ups as your patients check in that can count down the number of visits they have remaining on their care plan, the number of visits covered by insurance remaining, etc. The options are endless. You also benefit from Genesis and patient care plan automation through better financial forecasting. With Genesis you can track your active care plans to determine how many patient visits you can expect for the next month and the financial implications of those visits to more accurately predict your income. And, that’s not all. Once a patient has a care plan established, the system alerts you immediately should they miss a scheduled visit. This means that you can take steps to get the patient back on track and prevent them from falling out of care. And as you know, retention boosts revenue. It’s clear that automating your patient care plans with Genesis Chiropractic Software can greatly contribute to both the care you provide your patients and the financial success of your practice. Take advantage of the features offered by Genesis and create your dream practice today.
The Loss that Led Me to Focus on Patient Experience in Chiropractic

In chiropractic school, we are taught to examine, identify problems, create care plans, and to adjust patients. A lucky, or more prepared, few of us may have taken outside seminars to learn about strategies to bring more patients into our office, billing tactics to increase revenue, or practice management techniques. Yet, for all that we learn, the hours and years we put in to become Doctors of Chiropractic, we are never taught the most important part of having a truly successful business. We’re never taught to focus on the patient experience. Just out of chiropractic school, I was no different. I was running what I believed was a successful practice. I was helping a lot of patients and making a lot of money.. At the same time, I was trying to wear too many hats – business owner, staff manager, doctor. Things were falling through the cracks without me knowing until it was too late. I will never forget the day one of my patients came in and told me he was thinking of killing himself. No doctor is every really prepared to hear something like this, much less, a young doctor, still learning. My patient’s name was Chris and he had come to see me for low back pain, something chiropractors see every day. He had received his report of findings, had proceeded with care, and was getting great results and relief from the pain. At his words, I felt shock. I asked what had happened. The story he told me was incredible. After coming to the class that I held for new patients, he had decided to turn his life around. Hearing the chiropractic message and learning how his health affected every aspect of his life as well as his family’s life, he had made a life-changing decision. He quit drinking. He quit drugs. He was going to get healthy for his wife and children and he was going to do it cold-turkey. But now, he felt like taking his own life. After listening to Chris’ story, I was amazed that he had been affected so deeply by the chiropractic message and thankful that he had truly understood it to the point that he was determined to change his health to improve the future for himself and his family. And, I’ll admit, I was proud that my class, my words, had been good enough to change a man’s life. Yet, how could someone who had understood the message on such a deep level now think of killing himself? Chris and I spoke about what he was feeling and how, after the years of punishment his body had been through, it was natural to have difficulty trying to achieve homeostasis again. I explained how the chemicals in his system had been affecting his whole life, including his thoughts and how things were now trying to balance out as his body fought to move toward health. He understood. He got it, just like he did the chiropractic message, and we continued care. Then came the day when I realized that Chris had not been in for a visit in a while. Chris had understood the chiropractic message so completely that he should have been a patient for life. I pulled his chart to find out what had happened. That is when it became clear that once again, something important had fallen through the cracks. Chris had missed appointments, yet we had not followed up with him. His care plan had expired and his billing was not in order. These things that are so vital to patient retention had been missed. I immediately called Chris to find out how he was and to set up an appointment for a follow-up. That is when I found out that Chris was dead. He had taken his own life, just like he had talked to me about. That is when I knew with complete certainty that the systems we had in place were not enough. We tried to call patients who missed appointments, follow-up on care plans, pre-arrange billing with patients, and so many other tasks every single day. Yet, sometimes, my staff became overwhelmed or simply forgot. Other times, they would give up calling a patient who had not responded. And, so many of our systems relied on memory, leaving my staff and I to juggle all of the responsibilities, hoping no one dropped the ball. We only knew to follow-up with patients when I or one of my staff realized someone had not been in to see us for a while. We only knew to check on insurance claims when someone remembered we had not been paid. I knew that other industries used different technologies and software to manage the customer experience. Yet, the Chiropractic profession had no software to manage the Chiropractic patient experience effectively. There were many chiropractic software companies and practice management softwares available. However, not a single one broke down the patient experience into manageable tasks. And, not one offered one simple daily report to let the doctor know whether the necessary tasks had been performed. Instead, they all forced the doctor to wade through piles of reports, to check each individual aspect of the practice, an ineffective and time-consuming chore, at best. To find a solution, I had to go outside of the chiropractic profession, to find out what big businesses use to manage the customer experience. Since that time, I have dedicated myself to finding a better technology to break down and manage every aspect of the patient experience and making it available to chiropractors. And, so that I would never forget the man who first opened my eyes to the necessity of managing the Chiropractic patient experience, I named my son Christian in his honor.
Chiropractic EHR software | Improve patient retention with Care Plans

Does paying your monthly overhead stress you out because your chiropractic clinic is plagued by patient no-shows? It is impossible to predict your clinic’s cash flow when your patients are non-compliant with your prescribed care plans. Needless to say, patients who miss their appointments won’t get better. Inconsistent patient flow also hinders practice growth and profitability. But your clinic’s cash flow can take an even bigger hit when you have to return payments for unfinished care plans. Not to mention the possible compliance issues resulting from this. You can figure out how much your chiropractic clinic might be losing due to unfinished care plans when you replace the assumptions below with your own numbers and complete the calculations. For example: Assumptions: 1 visit = $30 1 care plan = 30 visits Average number of no-shows per care plan: 15 Calculations: Potential income and losses from unfinished care plans per patient: Potential income from 1 care plan: 30 visits x $30 = $900 Potential loss from no-shows per care plan: 15 visits x $30 = $450 Conclusion: You risk losing half of your income when patients don’t finish their care plans! Just how can you identify patients who don’t understand the need for multiple visits to achieve their health goals? First of all, you need to know what the entire care plan looks like in order to track multiple visits. All patients go through a traditional treatment step-down ladder, such as four visits per week for the first four weeks, then three visits per week for the next three weeks. Such unique nuances on many patient schedules are difficult to track manually, and this difficulty grows dramatically with each added chiropractic care plan. Tracking the respective discounts given for each care plan is nearly impossible without a tool. Thousands of care plans are created for new patients every month, to schedule multiple appointments and then track all payments and visits in your Genesis EHR software. When patients don’t show up for their appointments you can receive automated notifications in form of tickets on your Genesis chiropractic software workbench. When patients don’t have a future appointment scheduled or when they cancel their existing appointments you can receive alerts via tickets. That way you can assign your staff the task of scheduling the next appointment. Another useful tool for helping your patients stay on track with their care plans are appointment reminders sent via phone, text, or email. Genesis chiropractic software has integrated several apps which serve this purpose. To set up chiropractic care plan when your patients come into your clinic, simply go to the Genesis Scheduler and click on the “More” tab to open the wizard. You can also create a full care plan from the patient account. Make sure you turn on the settings in your Genesis chiropractic software for Patient Relationship Management and Reminders.