Designed Specifically for Your Practice

How Genesis was Designed Specifically for Your Chiropractic Practice The Patient Experience is key.  If you’ve tried other software and practice management systems you know that they are not all equal.  Just because one works for the plastic surgeon down the street doesn’t means it will function optimally for your practice.  That’s why at Genesis Chiropractic Software, our software and practice management systems were designed by a chiropractor specifically to meet the unique needs of your chiropractic practice. As chiropractors, we develop a special relationship with our patients.  We don’t see them once a year for an annual exam or even just every six months or so when they get sick.  We see our patients on a regular basis, or at least we do if our systems are running correctly and our patients are compliant. Because we see our patients far more often than other types of practices, managing the patient experience becomes a much more urgent function for us.  We as the doctor as well as our staff have so many more encounters with our patients: encounters that can have either a positive or negative impact. With that in mind, we designed Genesis Chiropractic Software to automate the management of the patient experience to ensure that every encounter would end in the best possible experience for patients.  And, we took it a step further by adding real-time access to information and reports that allow you to get ahead of any mission critical situations: things that could negatively impact patient care, compliance, billing, scheduling, and your bottom line. Each and every time you or your staff interact with a patient or handle a patient’s case, including billing is a chance to demonstrate competence, compassion, and dedication.  Unfortunately each interaction is also a chance for something to go wrong, someone to drop the ball, and for the patient to drop out of care. With Genesis Chiropractic Software, we’ve broken down every action that goes into managing the patient experience into the specific tasks that are required to handle it optimally.  The system automatically assigns each task to either you or the staff member best suited to the task.  You can then see in real-time how many tasks must be completed to achieve peak performance.  When that task number hits zero, you know without a doubt that nothing has slipped through the cracks and your patients are receiving the best patient experience possible. A great software and practice management system is vital to your practice.  It ensures quality of care, patient compliance, makes billing easier, and enhances your bottom line.  Genesis Chiropractic Software takes all of these a step further by giving you system designed specifically to meet the needs of your chiropractic practice.

Patient Balances

How to do Patient balances, payments, and statements. Patient balances on their account with your Practice can be easy to use within the Genesis Chiropractic Software.  You need an easy way to enter patient co-payments, insurance payments and then provide various people with a statement when they ask for it.  This functionality is inside of the Genesis Patient Accounts and it will make your work life much easier. Your Patient Accounts must be accurate because you don’t want your patients or insurance companies questioning what you provide to them.  You need an easy way to print out statements in case you need to send them to lawyers, patients and insurance companies.  Patient Balances must be kept up to date and Genesis Chiropractic Software has the accuracy built-in.  All you have to do is to enter the information on the right account. Watch this Free Webinar to learn more from Jason Barnes, and to see exactly how it works. Enter your information and watch it immediately.   Read the transcript: My name is Jason Barnes. I’m the Chief Operations Officer here at Genesis Chiropractic Software. And I am looking forward to today’s topic. Not the most complicated topic of the day but one in the past where we’ve had some of the highest rates of actual participant interaction. I guess today we’re going to talk about how to enter in patient payments and then furthermore we’re gonna take it down the line with, how are we gonna get the interpretation of, what was paid for, what wasn’t paid for, what’s patient responsibility and how do we get statements either to patients or how do we get statements to attorneys. Sometimes insurance companies want to see, “Hey, I need a complete breakdown.” So we’re gonna show you some of the tools available for doing all of that. So, as we’re going, I always, always recommend that you ask questions. I will be monitoring the questions throughout the webinar. So, feel free to chat them in and I will take them…I’ve never not gotten to all of them so feel free to chat them in and I’ll make sure that they’re tackled. And looking at this, it’s 2:04, let’s get underway. So we always like to start in the actual schedule. So, when we’re doing this, we want to make sure that two things are happening, right? When we click on a patient, there’s a couple of ways of actually getting to the place where you’re gonna enter patient payments. So, we’re not going to start with going through all of those but coming to the More button, gives you a lot of options, alright? So, the first one we’re going to talk about is not necessarily getting to the patient account. Because you could find yourself in one of two scenarios, either the patient is paying as they go or they’re paying on a recurring or a prepayment. So if they’re paying on a recurring basis, meaning, they’ve got $300 coming in via a credit card, that’s one way. They could be paying on recurring where they’re coming in and putting a check in, or running their card for $300 in a month. I want to make sure we cover all the scenarios. But right now, we’re just going to cover the scenario which is the patient is paying as they’re going. So, patients walking through the door. We are integrated with a number of credit card companies and we noticed, and we’ve run all the reports and statistics and this will not surprise you, that most of our clients who are private, pay with credit cards. If you’re using an integrated merchant service company, like a FORTIS or a ClearGage, you can come down and actually click on the FORTIS Processing, it will bring you to the patient that you’re on and you can actually run a card. So if you wanted to, you can come down here and you can run a sale, run a refund. And so if the cards are already on there, you can come in, you can post $50, you know, for a regular adjustment, let’s just say, and that’s that. You’re going to process the transaction, it brings up a receipt. This automatically posts on the patient account so this is one of the ideal scenarios that we talk about. The largest percentage of the patient payments that are going to be processed are going to be done through credit card. So, if you’re talking about that we really do recommend looking at some of the solutions that we already have integrated. So we’re gonna close out of this, and we’ll get back. If you were not using an integrated method, you would still go to the More button and we would take you into the Patient Transactions tab, it’s going to bring up a pop-up, which I’m going to not maximize, rather I’m going to take the opportunity here to focus in on one specific area here. This specific area is right here at the bottom, where you have a date of February 21st, 2017. You can change that date, there are very few situations which I would recommend that you change that date but it’s always possible, you can do that. However, this next date is a service date and we’re going to talk about that in a second, all right. But if $50 was what you wanted to put in, you would choose a credit card, if you wanted to choose MasterCard, Visa, etc, you can go to the next step there and you would simply put Add Payment. That payment would automatically be added to this Transaction tab as the next item in here. However, you’ll notice that we didn’t put a date associated with the payment, that is a big deal, that makes a big difference in the Genesis system. Because the way we’re talking about not only posting patient payments but how we’re going to allocate the money that

When to Make the Switch

Knowing When to Make the Switch to Genesis Chiropractic Software Many Chiropractors put off switching their EMR systems, worried about the challenges that can come with learning a new software and workflow in their practice.  They often continue to use their old EMR and billing systems, even though they are woefully inadequate and costing them time and money their practice really can’t afford.  Knowing when to cut your old systems loose and embrace a better, more proactive software can make the difference in your practice’s financial viability, the level of care you are able to provide to your patients, and the amount of stress involved in running your practice. Gary Dillon, D.C., owner of Dillon Chiropractic went through these same struggles before finding Genesis Chiropractic Software.  For Dr. Dillon, Genesis has been a welcome change from his old EHR and billing provider. “They (Genesis) are really here to help versus our old EHR and billing that seemed like they were there to collect my money for themselves.” says Dr. Dillon. Dr. Dillon goes further in his praise for Genesis, saying, “I have just started with Genesis but their customer service and training have already blown me away.” Even better, switching to Genesis has allowed Dr. Dillon and his practice to realize real-time cost savings and boost their bottom line. “This software has enabled me to take my billing back in house and actually save $17-$20k per year while doing all of my billing in real time.” With this type of savings, it’s easy to see why Dr. Dillon has been so happy with his switch to Genesis Chiropractic Software.  In fact, when asked to rate his level of satisfaction with Genesis, Dr. Dillon gives the software a five star rating, with another five stars for customer support and the software’s features and functionality. Deciding to take the plunge and make the switch from his old EHR and billing company to Genesis might have been a difficult decision for Dr. Dillon initially but it has paid off in both the customer service he has received and the huge increase in income to his practice. When asked what he would tell other Chiropractors considering changing from their old, out-dated EMR software to Genesis, Dr. Dillon says, “Switching EMR systems is a nightmare no one wants to tangle with but when your old EHR starts dollaring you to death at the same time that insurance reimbursement is going down it’s time to make a switch. Thank God I found Genesis when I did.”

Third Party Apps

Many third party apps vendors are integrated into Genesis Chiropractic Software.

Third Party Apps are integrated into Genesis Chiropractic Software. Third Party Apps have been added within the Genesis Chiropractic Software.  These applications add new functionality inside of Genesis and they will make your work life easier. These applications help with your required documentation and they can remind your patients about their appointments to eliminate a forgetful patient who would otherwise be a no show. Another makes it easy to prescribe an exercise program to your patients and another to take credit cards securely right inside your patient’s account. Watch this Free Webinar to find out more from Jason Barnes, and to see exactly how it works. Enter your information and watch it immediately below. Read the transcript: All right, so my name is Jason Barnes. I have been working here at Genesis Chiropractic Software for seven years. I’m the chief operations officer here, and I look forward to our semi-regular webinars that we put on. This particular topic can be a touchy one, you know, you see on the screen here, “Why does my EHR not have everything that I want?” And so I wanna set this up. We set this out with a pretty specific set of instructions. Come learn how the Genesis Chiropractic Software platform helps you accomplish all the things that you’re looking for, but make no mistake about it, we’re not good at everything, and we know that. And we don’t wanna pretend to be all things to all people when we know we’re gonna fall flat on that. And so today we want to explore how it is that we partner up with other people to solve your problems, like great merchant services, great reminder services, patient education. But then we actually bring you even more than that, things from doctors, programs from doctors that we simply, first of all, we didn’t think of, second of all, we don’t know how to coach it better than they do, and they wanna have a platform that they can help others take advantage of it without having to create their own platforms. So we’re gonna get into those services today, how we go about choosing them and then furthermore how we go about implementing them into your office to make life easier. And we’ll pretty much end up with, if there’s something out there that you think will make not just your office run more smoothly or more efficiently but chiropractic, the mission of saving lives in the world today better for others, we would love to hear about it. So let’s continue. So this platform, it’s billed, web-based, we can integrate with a lot of people. We’ve got billing documentation scheduling, but we know it’s not enough. We know that you need other things, and so we know that there’s no two chiropractors out there that practice exactly alike. And so to be all things to all people is something that we’ve always known that we’ll fall short on, and so we wanna get into how do we address that. So what is it that we are looking for? What is the best? Well, if you look at your practice in terms of revenue, retention, and compliance, right? How do you generate revenue? Well, everyone thinks new patients, we know new patients are important, but we know that retaining patients and then getting your billing through the door, making sure that every visit gets paid the right amount and that all visits get paid is the full complement of that equation. And so how do we make sure that that happens? Well, with so much of these services being cash, or self-pay as a better way of putting that, we need to make sure that we know what the best options in the marketplace are for merchant services, for getting your claims to personal injury, processors, GEICO, you know, employment boards. We have to make sure that we know what the best options are in the marketplace to help you with all three of those things, but making sure that you have the ability to actually manage those is what our platform really does. So if you’ve got a good merchant service, like a good credit card processor, that offers a really good rate, is that all you should look at? When it comes to smart business decisions, a low rate sounds great, but can you manage it? Do you know which patients have to pay, when, and how to apply those payments to patient visits? So we’re gonna actually get into that. How do we figure out what the best options are in the marketplace? The easy answer to that question is you. Our clients, those experts in the industry who are running high-volume, high-efficiency practices, you tell us what they are. We do a lot of research. We go to those vendors. We work with our clients in making sure that we are choosing to put our time, energy, and resources into an integration with somebody who has not only your best interest at heart but a scalable solution. We integrate with those solutions, and those integrations are expensive. They require a lot of time, energy, and effort, and so we’re gonna get into that a little bit today as well. Then the biggest thing that we look for when we’re looking to integrate with a third-party software to help you with revenue, retention, and compliance is we know the marketplace is going to change. We know that your patient base can shift. We know that legislation can come out, like the Affordable Care Act, which really raises deductibles and makes more and more of your patients let’s just say self-pay than insurance patients, and your focus would need to shift. We need to make sure we work with vendors who can adapt to the changing marketplace, and so the last thing we look at whenever we’re choosing somebody to partner up with is, is this a company that is flexible? Is this an organization