Handling the Mission Critical Points of the Chiropractic Patient Experience

Chiropractic Patient Experience

In a previous blog article, we talked about how using proactive Chiropractic software to quantify and improve the patient experience can take your practice to a new level.  Chiropractic software can do this by handling the mission critical points of the patient experience, making sure that no detail is missed.  So, what does mission critical mean when we’re talking about the chiropractic patient experience?

Mission critical points for your practice are things that you have to follow-up with in real time or risk losing your patient.  Every task performed by you and your staff each day, from scheduling to billing, inventory, collecting recurring cash payments, etc.  From the first exam to following up on chiropractic insurance claims will have an impact on the experience your patients have in your office and will determine whether they continue with or drop out of care.

Chiropractic Patient Experience

Think about how many tasks you and your staff must perform each day to achieve a perfect patient care experience.  Exams, adjustments, chiropractic SOAP notes, diagnosis codes, billing, taking patient payments, credit card on file, asking for referrals, scheduling future visits, and following up on no-shows and expired care plans are just a few of the mission critical points your practice experiences every day.  These all have to be monitored in real time or the patient experience suffers.  To retain just one chiropractic patient, there are an estimated 331 tasks that have to happen perfectly every single time.

But, why are these tasks mission critical?  Let’s take no-shows as an example.  What does a no-show really mean to not only your business but to your patient.  If a patient was going in for chemotherapy and they had to miss a visit, would they be waiting for you to call them to reschedule that visit?  Absolutely not.  Would they walk out of chemotherapy forgetting to schedule their next visits?  Or, would they reach the end of their treatment, get their testing done, and not follow-up to get their doctor’s recommendations for the next phase of their care.  Never…it is too important to them.

So, when a patient in your chiropractic practice no-shows for a visit, walks out without a future appointment, or is not excited about their re-exam, what are they telling you?  They are telling you that they don’t value their care.  It is no longer important to them.  

 They are telling you that they don’t value their care.

Patients visit a Chiropractor and sign up for chiropractic care for the right reasons.  They don’t sign up for 36 visits if they don’t understand the value Chiropractic brings to their lives.  The problem is that they forget.  And, they don’t tell you they have forgotten.  They show you they have forgotten by not showing up for their appointments and forgetting to schedule new ones.  If you don’t monitor and follow-up on these things in real time, you are in immediate danger of losing that patient.  This is mission critical.

A proactive Chiropractic software, like Genesis Chiropractic Software brings real value to your practice by monitoring each and every mission critical point in real time.  It ensures that every one of those 331 tasks that have to be performed to retain each patient are not only assigned to the best staff member to handle them but also have been completed, giving you the ability to create an outstanding patient experience.  Managing these mission critical points is the ultimate key to building patient loyalty, boosting patient retention, decreasing staff frustrations, increasing referrals and dramatically increasing the revenue per patient on average.

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