Starting with My Why

I recently read the book “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek .  It really hit home with me that the reason behind why we do something is often so much more important than our actions themselves.  This made me re-evaluate my life, my business, and the Chiropractic profession as a whole.

In many ways, our profession has come so far but looking at it from this new perspective, I could see how we have often gotten away from our true values, what made us Chiropractors in the first place.  It made me think of one phrase, again and again…”It’s about time.”  There are so many things in Chiropractic that it’s about time for, don’t you think?  It’s something you are going to be hearing from me over and over because it is time for progress.

In that spirit, I think that it’s about time that you know my background and why I became a Chiropractor in the first place.  It’s important because my why has made me who I am.  It’s driven me to not only help patients but to help other Chiropractors improve the patient experience and build practices that get back to the root of the profession, making sure that every patient understands the importance of Chiropractic in their lives, in their health, and in creating their futures.

I was always an athlete and into health and wellness.  I always steered away from medications.  I was also very into science and found that I was good at biology and math, so in my second year of undergraduate, I decided to become a biology major.  The problem was that I didn’t have a direction, a passion.

By the end of college, I still did not know what I was going to do until one day, my mother gave me a call.  She told me that she worked with a woman who had a son who was a Chiropractor.  He was going to be speaking and asked if I wanted to check it out.  I wasn’t expecting much because I had a cousin who was a Chiropractor and I had actually seen one myself for an injury in high school but had never heard anything about the Chiropractic philosophy.

Still, I went to the seminar and when he began speaking about what Chiropractic was really about and how it really worked, I knew with 100% certainty that I had found my life’s work.  It was a moment of total congruency and surety that only happens a few times in your life.  I drove back to school that night where I was just finishing up my biology degree and said, “Hey, I’m moving to Georgia and going to Chiropractic school.”

The Chiropractic philosophy became “my why”.  It is the reason that I knew with such certainty that Chiropractic held the path for my life, that it was my passion.  It is still the reason that I get up each day and work toward improving the patient experience in all Chiropractic offices.  The Chiropractic philosophy is the reason behind everything we do in our profession, so isn’t it about time that we all remember why we became Chiropractors in the first place?

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