Care Plan Compliance built into Genesis Chiropractic Software

Care Plan compliance is built into Genesis Chiropractic Software.


Care Plan Compliance can be Increased for Your Patients Automatically

Care plan compliance – Do your patients comply with their care plan? What happens when your patients start to miss their visits?  Are you notified? Do your care plans automate patient reminders?  Discover how to automate your patient’s care plan with this 30 minute webinar. Learn more about our care plans and how you can more effectively utilize them and all of their features.
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Read the transcript:

Jason: All right, so welcome everybody. It’s about four minutes past the hour and we’re talking Care Plan Compliance today. Jessica Pancoast, head of our training team and our help desk, is with us, here to keep me on the straight and narrow path, which she can no longer do this week anyway with an odd glance or two because we’re in separate locations which happens infrequently. So she’ll have to figure out some other way of doing it. That being said, we’ve got quite a few people today that are joining us. We’re going to start sharing screens right now and we’re going to get kicked off. So because so Jasony people are with us today and almost as always, please…what do we have here? You’re going to have to chat in questions and please, you’re welcome to do so. We still have a discrepancy of about six people, Jess, that are in the web portion of it but not in the audio portion.

Jessica: All right. I’ll send another message while you start sharing your screen.

Jason: Awesome. Thank you so much. A patient walks through your door. Maybe they’ve never heard of the type of treatment that you’re going to propose and they’re not necessarily up on, you know, what they can do to help themselves get better. They’ve been on medications forever. They want to make better choices. They’ve never thought about health care costs being what they’re proposed. When you see them, they’ve only paid some copays throughout the year and the drugs always seem like they were so worth it, but they don’t feel right and they’ve never felt right and what you’re telling them to do is a complete and total deviation of what they’ve been told their entire lives constitutes health care. Today we’re talking about that big change that needs to take place, how patients perceive it, how often they need to be talked about to…how often they need the reminder, I should say, of how important the commitment they made is, and if they don’t do it all, that they’re not going to see the results. You might be asking yourself, “Well, I really just want to see a care plan that helps me with the finances.” We’ve actually gone over the financial aspect of care plans in this forum before. We’ve created those webinar links and they’re available. We can send them to you, you know, send us some feedback at the end of them if you’re struggling to find them. We will make sure we email out those links to the webinars we’ve done in the past about the financial portion of it.

But today we’re talking about those patients that, they were committed at the time they walked through the door, they went in for a report of findings, they signed up for our care plan, and they knew it. Intellectually it made sense to them, academically it made sense to them. They committed to a care plan of x number of visits, but it’s a complete and total lifestyle change. Everyone here knows that they need to be sold again. They need reminders. What types of reminders are we talking about today? Today we’re talking about those reminders both in and out of the office. We’re talking about automating those reminders, we’re talking about reminding them of the commitment that they made, we’re talking today about how you can use a system to prompt you and your staff to make those connections.

We know that not every single patient will stay a patient for life, but we can do whatever possible to make that number as large as it can possibly be. And without these reminders, we found that practices have…not all of them, but a lot of them have struggled to get the results that they’re looking for. So I want to make sure that everyone viewing today knows it’s available to them. A patient comes through the door…let me move this over here and we’ll start back from the beginning…for their first appointment. Their first appointment, you can set up all sorts of reminders. Let’s make sure they get calls, text messages, emails about the appointment. That’s the first set of reminders that we can talk about here. And I’ll just bring up one example of a third party carrier…and we talked about this last time…that we’re really pleased with and we’ve got a lot of good feedback on and that’s Zingit. Zingit reminder call, we have a lot of other options, but this is one of the premier ways that you can use to keep in touch with a patient, reminding them of a visit. However, is it just reminding them of a visit that we want to do or is there more? So today there’s also now SMS marketing that they’re offering. So if you’re using us right now or you’re considering using us as a platform to meet your practice’s needs, we want to talk about reminders that not only are targeted at letting them know, “Hey, you committed to a visit,” but why they’ve committed to a visit.

We don’t offer this ourselves as a technology platform, Vericle, but what we do offer is the access to get information. How is it relevant or how is it important to you guys is what we’re talking about now. If a patient has a certain diagnosis code or a patient has missed, you know, let’s just say three or more visits, what message do you want to send them? Do you want to ask them an interrogative? Do you want to get in their heads with a question? Do you want to send them a link to a video that you had made? We want to make sure that you have the ability to customize how you want to get in touch with your patients. And text messages have been one of those ways to make it happen. Not everybody is into texting. You might have a different demographic. How do you want to communicate with them?

We also have integrations with other marketing resources that are care plan integrated, meaning that after x number of visits or you want to actually trigger some new patient routines. Every single new patient that comes in through your office, you want to send them links to your e-commerce site. You want to make sure they know the names and faces of every case study that’s given you a testimonial throughout the last 25 years of your practicing and you want to inundate them with that information so they stay committed. We have strong ties with third-party best of breed recommendations that will tie in with that care plan. So when you…what are we talking about, what problem are we trying to talk about solving today is when a patient actually starts care with your office, how do you remember to go in and create their account so that they get the emails? Let’s face it, you’re not going to do it every single time. Here we’re talking about an automated way that this person will get triggered to have their email address and their name put in. If they’re a brand new patient, we’re talking about automating a campaign that’s going to be set up to send to all new patients. If you have patients who have a certain type of diagnosis, just like with any sort of marketing, you want to specialize and customize that message to go out to that group of patients.

These are the types of things, in addition to appointment reminders, that we can offer integrated with your care plan so that patients will know that you’re thinking about them, they’ll know exactly what kind of problem they have, and they’ll be reminded of it so they’ll know that you’re the only answer to solving it. These are the types of integrations that we’ve been working hard to bring to you guys so that you, as your practices, can automate this type of procedure rather than trying to make staff do it, stay late, you know, doing demographic entry into another system to get mobile numbers, to get email addresses and names so that you can get all that information there.

Finally, the third type of interaction that you have with your patient is actually when they’re in the office. When they’re in the office, you’ve checked them in, there are notifications…and I’ll turn the time over here to Jess in just one second to kind of show you a couple of those notifications…but I’m talking about the notifications to a doctor that tell you, hey, this patient hasn’t been doing well, this patient needs a particular type of help, and how are you going to address that? How are you going to resell their care and recommit that patient to the level of commitment that they need to actually see the results that you both talked about so eagerly and courageously on the first few visits that you had?

So right now, I’m looking at a patient account in our Billing and EHR screen. You can see x-rays and you can show a patient this x-ray and you can show them the dramatic difference between the green line where they should be and the red line of where they’re at right now. We’ve seen good results with that, but perhaps they’re less than dramatic. We can close these up and we can show them, “Hey, you’re making progress in another way.” But you, as a doctor, see if they’re getting better or not in a couple of different ways. The first way is their compliance to coming into the office. This indicator here on the left-hand side of all of the visits that they came in to see and you can actually click on that week, so the week of November 29th, there was one visit missed out of seven. The week of December 20th, there were three visits and only one of them was made. Two of them were missed. We can see what compliance they’re having to the visits that they’ve committed to. If this is strewn with pink and red, it might prompt you to have another conversation. But what conversation are you going to have with them? There’s lots of ways of doing it. I certainly don’t know the best way. I don’t know how to treat a patient and I’m certainly not there to tell you how to treat yours. But if a patient is a visual learner or if they’re a kinesthetic learner, if they’re an auditory learner, I plead with you guys to hedge your bets and show them videos that they can hear and see, maybe you have models in there that they can touch. But there are lots of different ways that your patients learn and they’re going to respond.

The frequency of which you contact them and the method in which you do it is important and we want to make sure you have those tools available to you. So in this particular view, if you see that a patient’s having a problem, clicking into other applications…and we touched on this last week just a little bit…that are available to you to resell value, to help them understand the severity of the issue that they’re running into. With other applications…let me just refresh this one more time. Sorry, guys, a little technical difficulty there in the presentation, but we’ll get right back to it. This is one of our test environments, so there’s an expectation that it is not 100% available all the time. So you’re with that patient, they walk through the door, you’ve made the decision to have a conversation with them to recommit them, not necessarily re-sign for care, but you want to make sure that their care plan is being met so that they can see the results that they were looking for when they walked through the door. We need you to be armed with the latest and greatest in tools in order to do that. So we’ve put together a few different third-party integrations that allow them to see what their commitment is, see what the problem is, and for you to customize different regimens for them to do outside of your office so that they can actually get better.

Nobody gets better by just going to the chiropractor completely. Nobody gets better by going to the physical therapist completely. No one gets better by going to the MD completely. Even going to all of them isn’t going to get where you need unless diet and exercise are a part of their routine, and I hear this from top to bottom. So I want to make sure that you guys know that there is a way for you to email, to keep in touch, and ultimately, hold your patients accountable for their care plans that you’ve committed them to. So in this case, you know, a patient walks through the door who’s having a particular with shoulder. All right. And I’ll just choose one then out of this…okay. So this could be something that, you know, maybe you even sell, but you’ve got the descriptions and the individual videos to show somebody right then and there where you can help them learn how to do the exercises and then email them the instructions. Ask them how they’re doing. They can respond, they can have the ability to actually converse and come back and talk to you about it. This is going to help you with declination [SP] or your, you know, staff, whether or not they’re assistants of some sort.

We want you to arm all the people in your practice with the ability to see a patient and say, “Hey, do you need instruction at home for this? Is there a way we can help you out outside of these walls?” This is a simple way of doing it. Now this can be done Jasonually or you can even automate this with a little bit of help to make sure that patients get the general idea for very specific routines that you’ll recommend for a patient with a certain kind of kyphosis or a certain type of issue that you see all the time, so you can automate sending these things. Right now, these are the tools that you have. The notifications that you can set up for specific problems, I’ll ask Jess to talk a little bit more about in a second. These are the tools that we’ve given right now to help resell patients on their care. You, as a clinician, have the opportunity to recognize these, but we want to make sure you’re equipped and armed to have that conversation with the patients. Jess, do we have any questions that were typed in?

Jessica: No.

Jason: Oh?

Jessica: Well, okay, some people [inaudible 00:14:51].

Jason: Yeah, yeah. Very different than the questions. So are there any questions on this before I have Jess show us about the different customizations that you can put together for notifications of when staff want to see patients or want to get close to patients who need a re-sign or if somebody has missed, so that you guys get the notifications of when to use tools like this? Please type those in and we’ll address them. So Jess, can you walk us through those notifications and I’ll Jason the chat?

Jessica: Sure, let me just share my screen here.

Jason: Perfect.

Jessica: All right. So I’m actually going to show you the newer way to add schedule notifications. So the old way…you get to it the same way. You go into Configuration, Practice, and select Schedule and go to the Notifications tab. This is the current version that’s on our application servers. You have the fields up at the top where you can enter your name and your message and then you just check the boxes for the rules that you want to apply to that particular alert that you’re creating. Our new version is just a little bit fancier, but it’s going to work the same way. You’re going to open up this Notifications tab and you’re going to hit the plus sign and then up at the top you’re going to give it a name. So let’s say we’re creating one because a patient has missed a number of visits. So I’m just going to give it a name and put in a message that I want to pop up on the schedule when this patient checks in next, to alert my front desk staff to what the issue is with this particular patient so they can discuss the missed visits and reschedule them to make sure the patient gets the care they need.

The first options up at the top, Patient Facing Stop, this is what will turn the kiosk screen red when a patient checks in. So if you’re using a kiosk screen where they patients check in themselves rather than having your front desk staff check them in on the schedule, if the patient has an alert, by default the kiosk will turn red after they’ve checked in, giving them a message to go see the front desk. Because an alert had been set up on their account, most of the time that indicates a reason that the patient needs to go talk to the front desk. So by default, we have that red screen turned on. If you are creating a particular alert and it is not something you want the patient stopped at the kiosk for, you can just turn off that Patient Facing Stop. The next option is whether or not to show a pop-up message. These are the messages on the schedule. It’s actually what I’ve typed in right up here. If I want this message to pop up on this schedule so my front desk can see what is going on with this patient and what they need to talk to them about, I’m going to want to leave this message on. Otherwise no one’s ever going to see this alert that I’m creating.

I do have options to automatically execute a checklist and one feature that’s actually still in development, automatically create an XDoc, but for this particular alert, I’m just going to go down to Add Rule. This will give me a page listing all the rules that were on the other pages…well, this is just the newer version…and I want to go down to the one about the missed visits. In particular, I’m going to use the Add consecutive missed visit rule. I’m going to turn that on and it will give me a field where I can enter in some information. This one is that the patient has missed more than x number of visits in a row. So I’m just going to go in with two, and then go down at the bottom, click Done Editing, and then I can hit Save. So now I have a new alert that I just created that will pop up when a patient checks in and they have missed more than two visits in a row. They no-showed more than two visits. So my front desk staff will be alerted and they can get that patient rescheduled.

Jason: So Jess, so how could they use the task checklist here for that?

Jessica: For missed visits, they can create a checklist, probably something along the lines of going over, reeducating the reason why the patient needs to come in to these visits. Whether they use one of our third-party services to go over exactly, you know, the graphics showing the particular injury that the patient has. That tends to help them understand why, if they can actually see what they problem is and why it’s important that they come in. They can also use the Infusionsoft marketing to send emails to this patient about reeducation. Or if they’re not using any of the third-party services, perhaps it’s just a conversation with the doctor or the therapist about why the patient needs to continue coming in. So they can have a checklist that assigns tasks to particular individuals to either send out that reeducation material, or to the doctor or therapist to discuss with the patient.

Jason: Yeah. I see that all the time. This is being used now as, they’ve missed three visits, the front desk staff is calling because there’s no-show tickets, but now that you’ve missed three visits on the care plan, we’re having a major compliance issue. And to save that patient, the doctor places a phone call and that could do the trick, right? The doctor is taking the time out of his or her day to make a phone call and making that connection with the provider, but they don’t want to do that for everybody. They just want to do it for a portion of them.

Jessica: Right. So you can actually, in that instance, you perhaps might not want to have the pop-up messages turned on. Perhaps you just want the checklist turned on. What would happen then is when the patient checked in and they had missed more than two consecutive visits, the checklist that you selected here would automatically execute opening up the task to the individuals that had been assigned in that checklist set-up to do the actions to get the patient reeducated and committed to their care.

Jason: Yep. And again, you can do more than one but, you know, this isn’t a tried and true recipe that we have for every single person. Each practice is going to be different and you might want to hear about some of the things that are working for other practices. On a small scale, we can share that one-on-one much more easily. So ask your coach about this. Ask your coach how to start using them, if you want to start using only a portion of it, ask for demos for the third party. We’d be happy to get you more information on how those things are going to work. And there’s one question in there from a participant. They noticed that the interface that you’re using looks a little bit different than the one that they’re using, Jess. So the question is what’s the best way to access that new format?

Jessica: Currently this format is only on our Beta server. They are able to go up to Versions and select Beta. Please be aware that this is our experimental server. This is where we release all new features. We do some internal testing. This is actually the server that we all use internally going throughout our day so we can find any bugs before releasing it to everyone. If you would like to try it out, you can switch to the Beta server. If you have any problems, open up a ticket and let us know, but then you would probably want to switch back to one of the application servers. Once this has been tested out, I believe this is going to be released in our next release in a couple of months.

Jason: Yeah, end of March is the target, I believe.

Jessica: So far.

Jason: So far, yeah. I hope that answers your question, Robin. And Jess, I interrupted you yet again, I don’t how much more you had to share there.

Jessica: No, I think I was, I think I was done.

Jason: All right, perfect. So at this point, what I want everyone to walk away with is a recap of, care plans are great for the financial aspect of it. You know how much you’re going to charge for free visits, cash visits, insurance visits. You have great notifications on when those things are transitioning from one to another. But today’s call was about keeping that patient, helping understand the bottlenecks and the thresholds, helping you understand how to take advantage of system automation, as well as other tools that we’re offering to prompt you to communicate with the patient and to resell the value of the service that they’re getting.

We recognize that this is a tall task and that the providers, the men and women that work with us, are experts at changing the way health care is viewed in their communities and hopefully the nation. So we’re grateful to be a part of it. If you have any questions, Jess and I will hang out a little bit further. But I leave you with the recommendation to go work with your coach. You know, get in contact with us if you’re not working with us right now and we’ll help you figure out how to make this a reality in your practice. All right, so please chat in any questions. We’ll hang out. And if there are no questions on this, we’re happy to field any sort of general question right now.

Jessica: One I did think of, if you are creating an alert, you can select Multiple Rules. Be aware that both have to be true in order for that alert to go off when the patient checks in. So it’s not an either-or type situation. Both have to be true.

Jason: Just one question is, “Are all the pages going to end up looking like this?” So very positive comment they made, “That looks great. Can we look forward to other pages?” And the answer is yes, we are gradually moving it over. The next question that came in, “How do you make a checklist?”

Jessica: Sure. You would go to Configuration, System, Task Checklist. Up at the top, you’re going to hit Add Checklist and give it a name. I’m just going to do a quick test one here. Hit Save. That will then show up in your list up at the top. I have quite a number of them here, so mine’s down at the bottom. Once I’ve selected that name that I’m going to group all the tasks under, down at the bottom, I’m going to hit Add and I can start creating each of the tasks to be a part of that checklist. The first field is required. It’s the title, what the task is going to open up with saying. So I’m just going to do some quick easy ones. “Test 1.” The Owner Role is required, what role at your practice do you want this task to open up to. I’ll just select Office Jasonager and then the Priority is also required. Critical, High, Normal, or Low. Those are the only required fields. You can also fill in your practice. If you have only one location, this should be very simple. It’s going to be your practice. You have the option of opening up to a specific person. If you wish to do that, you can start typing in their name here. Otherwise you can leave this blank and then it’ll just open unassigned to the role. The Requester is going to be the requester on this particular task. When the task is completed, who should it be pended [SP] back to? And I’m just going to make that the doctor. If you want to divide them up into categories, we do have a number of categories listed here. If not, it’s not a requirement. It’s just the way they group them.

The Start Date Offset…as soon as you execute this task checklist, either by coming in here and clicking Execute at the top or by the alert going off when the patient checks in, all the tasks open. If not all the tasks are required to be worked on today, you can set a Start Date Offset, which means that the task will open today, but it’ll actually have a start date on that task for a couple days in the future. That way, a couple of days from now, when you load your Task Workbench, that task will show up, but it’s not something that needs to be worked on today. Once you’ve hit OK and Save, you can hit the Open Editor button if you wanted to add any new or more information into the body of a task, you can enter that here and hit Save. And then you’re just going to click Add again to create your next row and continue down until you’ve added all of the tasks you need in that checklist. They can have any number of tasks, part of it. If it’s just one, if it’s the task that needs to be opened repeatedly, it might make sense to open the Task Checklist so you don’t have to continuously fill out who it needs to open up to and fill out the title and all that information.

Jason: Perfect. Thanks, Jess. I hope that answers…there’s two different Robins, this is the second Robin asking a question…I hope that answers your question. And let’s just say you want to know how to do this, can you just show the question mark that would help them learn how to do this the next time?

Jessica: Sure. The question mark’s up at the top right and it’s going to go over all the different pages in the system, definitions of all the fields, and how to execute it. And then it kind of goes over all the categories and then there’s a video as well, reviewing how to create one.

Jason: Okay. All right. So she responded in the affirmative. Any other questions from anybody? We’ll just give it one more minute. Jess, thanks for your help today.

Jessica: Sure. No problem.

Jason: Excuse me…All right, I think we’ll end then. Thank you so much for coming today and we look forward to talking to you guys next week.

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