Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Management | Genesis Chiropractic Powered by Vericle


So which situation would be worse for you?  Your server going down and you having to figure that out and call some expert or have a patient that’s your tech guy come in and try to fix that or having a professional team of experts work on the server.  Now I know I have a client right now that is a huge volume client, that had another system in his office, that was client server based.  That means that their server was in their office.  Fried their server.  It took over a week to get an expert into the office that could figure out what to do with that server, and when they did it was already to late.  They could barely recover any of that data.  At that point their disaster recovery was too late.

Now let’s talk about the other scenario, our data centers and the data in the server in our data servers.
First of all there’s not just one server, there are multiple servers redundantly backed up to each other every few minutes, and if one of those servers goes down the other ones pick up the slack.  Now God forbid all of those servers go down, we have experts that are in the data, that are experts at getting these things up and running

Today you can go to any cell phone company store and pick up what’s called a Mifi Card, it’s about the size of a cell phone.  It looks something this about the size of a cell phone, and that little server will be hooked up to your cell phone service but act as a wireless router.  You can usually hook up about 5 computers to each little router.  Now that’s just the emergency backup, if the computers go down, you have a laptop on hand that runs on battery for an hour or so.  If the power goes out, you have your laptop and that little wireless router, you can be up and running with no internet and no power.


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