Useful content vs. white noise

Knowing the difference between white noise and useful content for your target audience will basically determine the level of marketing success you can achieve with your Facebook fan page. Granted, one person’s trash is another individual’s treasure. Nevertheless, there are some lines that should not be crossed to avoid alienating potential as well as existing fans.

What is White Noise?
In social media terms, white noise can be defined as posts that fail to provide value to the receiver of the message. On Facebook, your fans, subscribers, and any member of your target audience are the receivers or your messages. As a result, they may either hide your status updates from their newsfeeds, or ‘un-like’ your page altogether if you pollute their news feeds with white noise.

Examples of white noise on Facebook:
• Sales pitches
• Self promotion
• Random updates lacking any relevance or value to your target audience

What is useful content?
In stark contrast to white noise, useful content helps your fans improve their lives in one or more ways. It adds value in form of advice, information, education and inspiration. In that sense, your status updates would show them how to do something better, solve a problem or reach certain goals. Needless to say, it makes sense to share tips that relate to your area of expertise.

Examples of useful content on Facebook:
• Tips on nutrition, health, wellness
• Education on chiropractic treatment options for a specific health issue
• Information about upcoming events, special offers at your practice

Focus on what’s in it for your fans and give them a good reason to let your updates become a contribution to their news feeds.

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