What is a Deliberate Extreme and How Can it Grow Your Chiropractic Office?

This week Genesis Chiropractic Software is bring you a blog that will blow the front doors off your practice!  Check it out and make it grow.

Every successful chiropractor and business owner has implemented a “deliberate extreme” at some point in their career. If you really want to take your business to the next level, you need to know what a deliberate extreme is, as well as understand the best ways to manage one without causing to much stress to yourself, your staff, and even your family.

We have all heard the empty talk about how you should try to create balance, and how you shouldn’t work too hard out of fear of getting burnt out. But this type of philosophy simply isn’t true! Furthermore, it can be damaging— especially if you are striving for success and have a business you are trying to grow.

Disappointing as it may seem, there are times in your life when you are going to have to work your tail off in order to get ahead. Like the beginning of a marathon, the runner knows that if he wants to have a chance at winning the race he has to get out of the middle of his competition. He gives it his all for a short period of time so that he can break away. 

Deliberate extremes, as applied to the business world, are short bursts of hard work that help you grow and get to the next level. The best way to describe how a chiropractor would implement a deliberate extreme is to give you an example.

Example of a Deliberate Extreme:

A chiropractor decides to devote four weeks of hard work to getting more new patients in his office. He splits these four weeks into four different marketing themes, working on one specific marketing theme per week.

Week 1 – The chiropractor will work on setting up more spinal screenings in his community. Every free moment he gets at the office, and maybe an hour after his regular workday is over, the chiropractor will search for and contact local businesses and events that he could set up a spinal screening and interest booth at.

Week 2 – The chiropractor will work on setting up more health talks in his community. He will also use his spare time to call local businesses to offer health talks. He will also have flyers made up that he and his staff members can pass out to his current patients, letting them know he is available for health talks at their own work places or events.

Week 3 – The chiropractor will dedicate this week to getting more referrals into his practice. During the morning huddle with his staff, the chiropractor will select a handful of patients to ask for referrals. To encourage patients to refer, he will also set up monthly themes and/or drawings for his office by giving away gifts to the person who refers the most people to the office that month.

Week 4 – The chiropractor will devote several hours this week to creating a stronger presence for his clinic on the Internet. This week he will shoot several videos on different health topics and post them to YouTube, Facebook, twitter, and of course, his business website. The chiropractor will also look through all the main search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others and make sure his website is listed and information is correct. He will also have a laptop and a camcorder set up in the office to encourage patients to give video testimonials and write Google reviews for a free gift.

ATTENTION: The next portion of this article is the most important part of implementing a deliberate extreme. Please DO NOT skip this part or you risk destroying yourself and your relationships!

Before starting any deliberate extreme, sit down with your staff at your office and your loved ones at home.

When you meet with your staff, go over your plans and explain to them exactly what you are doing, but also let them know that your goal is to take your practice to the next level, and you want them to be a huge part of it. Tell them that they are going to share in the success and you will give them a bonus for their hard work (Take an average of what you bring in monthly, and then tell them you will give them a percentage of what you bring in over that amount for the following month, such as 10 percent of the increase).

Don’t forget your Genesis Chiropractic Software in your office can help you to implement your deliberate extreme with more effectiveness and less stress!  Genesis Chiropractic Software has a unique built in ticketing system that will help you coordinate tasks between staff members.  There are so many different ways to use Genesis to grow your practice.

When you sit down with your family, explain to them that you are going to be working really hard for the next four weeks (or however long you determine is necessary).  Share your goals with them, but make sure they know it is a temporary situation and that you plan on doing something really special for them at the end of it. Maybe you can plan a weekend trip for all of you. Let them decide where to go and what to do. It doesn’t have to be a big trip, but even just driving to a nearby city and spending the night can be a fun getaway and give all of you a much needed break.

The key here is to be able to put in a lot of hard work in a short amount of time so that you can “break out of the pack” and take your practice to the next level. 



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