4 Steps to Starting Your Own Radio Show and Creating a Consistent Stream of New Patients!

chiropractic radio show     If you are looking for a method of marketing that will consistently bring you streams of qualified new patients, then radio might be the solution to your problems!  For the last decade, radio has been that answer for Dr. Allen Minor.

     Dr. Allen Miner is a very successful chiropractor in Albuquerque NM.  He has built not only 1, but 4 successful chiropractic clinics by harnessing the power of RADIO!  He has generated thousands of patients, and millions of dollars, through the years, with his very successful radio show “An Ounce of Prevention”.

     According to Dr. Miner there are 4 critical steps to starting your own radio show.  Below is a brief description of each step:

1) The first step, of course, is for you to find your future radio home.  What station do you want to have your show on?  This is completely up to you and will be different from chiropractor to chiropractor.  You want to find a station that you resonate with.  Spend some time listening to all the radio stations in your area, both AM and FM.  Ask your patients which station they listen to, and if they ever listen to radio shows.  Once you find a few radio stations you are interested in, move on to step #2.

2) The second step is to make a phone call to the radio station, or stations, on your list.  Ask them if they have room in their schedule for a 30 minute to 1 hour radio show.  If they do, schedule a time with them to come in and talk about price and times that are available for your show.

3) Step 3, negotiate the cost of your show.  Prices can range greatly from radio station to radio station, but smaller stations usually have lower rates.  Not only are the rates lower, but smaller radio stations usually have a more loyal following, so just remember that when you are looking.  Also, remember, price is always negotiable.  An average show may cost you around $1,000 an hour, that’s not bad.  As Dr. Allen states, “We have about 30 people call our office after every show.”

4) The forth and final step after you have achieved all the above, is to create the format for your show.  You definitely have the last say about what happens on your show, but you will need a producer to ensure everything flows smoothly.  Most radio stations can provide you with a producer, and you can negotiate that into the price.

For more detailed information on how to start your own radio show, including what days and times are the best, what topics are the most popular, how to close your show so that you maximize new patient appointments in your office, and much much more – click the link below and listen to our one-on-one interview with Dr. Allen Miner himself!

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