Three most common people problems


Hey everyone. Dr Brian Capra here from Genesis Chiropractic Software with another episode. Today I want to talk to you about the three most common types of people problems. And I mean, by people I mean your team, and when I mean problems, the things that cause them or prevent them from performing to their fullest level and serving the function in your office and your business.

Number one is a training issue. So we talked about recently, people process technology. We talked about how the technology should, especially with Genesis, would show you by the end of the day how many tasks, or during the day, how many tasks each person in your office would have to perform. And then by the end of the day you’d know what was left, if anything, which there shouldn’t be anything. But what if there was something left over that wasn’t completed before the end of the day? It’s an easy conversation. It’s proactive, you’re proactively managing the patient experience.

So now you go on there and you go to your team member and you say, “what happened? There’s 10 of these tasks left over.” And you look at them, let’s say they’re all 10 are no shows. You might be concerned, you might say, “Hey, you know what? Why haven’t you followed up on all these things?”

And they may say to you, “well I just started on Tuesday and I don’t know how to do that one thing.” So there you have a training issue and they just need better training, but at least you were proactive about it. All right, so that’s a simple one. Training issue.

Second example, the second most common problem is a capacity issue. Capacity is very simple. “There’s 10 things leftover. What happened? How could I help you with these 10 things that are left over?”

“Well I did 50 and those are just the 10 that are remaining.” So now we can see that they are just purely out of their capacity to be able to do that amount of work for that simple problem in the practice. So now they go in and you say, okay, we may need more team members, we may need to automate certain things. Maybe if we turned on text reminders and appointment reminders and emails and things like that, maybe that would decrease the need for how many no shows are happening in the practice. Maybe you see a 2000 patients a week and there’s only 10 left at the end of the day, yet you still have a capacity issue. So you can automate in those cases or sometimes you really just need another person.

The third type of thing that can happen, pretty simple is a wrong seat, wrong law office type of problem. So in that case, you have a situation where you go to that person and you say, “how come you haven’t called all the no-shows or how come all these re exams didn’t get scheduled today?” Or whatever the case may be, they may say to you, “you know, I really, really hate doing that thing, that type of task, I hate doing it. It’s too confrontational for me. What I’d rather do is call companies and follow up on insurance claims or handle care plans or financials or whatever.” So in that case, you have a great person on your team that wants to work real hard, but they’re just in the wrong seat in your practice, meaning the wrong role in your business. And so you have a good person in the wrong seat. So that’s a wrong seat problem.

Now, the wrong practice, wrong business problem. Now you have a real problem. So this should be mitigated by some of your upfront hiring protocols, how you hire people, how you find people, how you find people to apply for your office, your application process. I definitely recommend you work with Chiro Matchmakers if you’re a chiropractic office. It’s a staffing company for Chiropractic offices, they do a lot of profiling, making sure you’re hiring the right person for the role you’re looking for. But if you get somebody in your office that understands the mission of your business, your why behind your business, your core values in your business, and you hire them for a certain role and then they tell you they hate it, it could happen. It does happen. They’re just in the wrong seat or the wrong business, They’re working for the wrong type of business.

Now, what’s great about technology with Genesis, since you know right there and then, the day that there’s too many tasks that are left over, and as soon as you confront the person about that, and it’s not confrontational necessarily, but you’re going to approach it in a proactive way and say, “how can I help you with that thing?” And they tell you, “you know what, I hate doing that thing and I never am gonna like it. And I hate this.” Basically, it’ll come up pretty quickly. You’ll figure out, you might shift them into a different role and they don’t perform there either.

So then you have the wrong person in the wrong business. So we talked about there’s three types of common issues with staff, with people in your practice, your business. One is training, two is capacity and three, wrong seat or wrong business. So this pretty simple short video I definitely, to prevent, the capacity and the training issues are easy. Even the wrong seat is relatively easy. Preventing hiring the wrong person, that’s a bigger problem. You want to make sure you have really good hiring processes. I definitely recommend you work with Chiro Matchmakers to make sure you get the right person for your business, before you find the right seat for them.

Okay. Thanks so much. Have a great weekend. I’ll talk to you soon.

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