Dr. Yuval Lirov, PhD


Yuval-LirovYuval Lirov, PhD

Chief Executive Officer

“With change, create growth.”

Yuval is passionate about helping practice owners treat more patients and grow their practices faster. He applies Lean Six Sigma principles to automate business knowledge and embed analytics in both software and service. This approach pioneered an all-in-one practice management system, including knowledge-based management of insurance claims and rapid EHR systems.

Yuval’s specialty is knowledge-based software systems. Initially, his research focused on applying Artificial Intelligence to air-to-air combat and rapid numeric solutions of nonlinear differential systems. Upon earning his PhD in Systems Science and Mathematics at Washington University in St. Louis in 1987, Yuval began his career at AT&T Bell Labs, where he built Machine Learning software for telecommunications and digital circuit manufacturing. Later he developed Straight Through Processing systems on Wall Street, and eventually transitioned his work into the healthcare practice management and insurance billing.

Yuval has authored three books on using knowledge-based systems in healthcare and financial services:

He has been awarded five patents in artificial intelligence and computer security and has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed periodical publications including Annals of Operations Research, Applied Intelligence, Applied Mathematics Letters, Computers & Mathematics With Applications, Database Programming & Design, Decision Support Systems, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, EP Lab Digest, Expert Systems with Applications, IEEE Transactions in Biomedical Engineering, Impact – Private Practice Section of the American Physical Therapy Association, Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Information Systems, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Journal of Healthcare Information Management, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Neural Networks, Online Information Review, Operations Research Letters, Robotica, Simulation, Software – Practice and Experience, SPIE – the International Society for Optics and Photonics, SysAdmin, and Systems & Control Letters.

Yuval currently resides in Clearwater, Florida, with his wife Mazal. They often sail together or ride their bicycles on the Gulf shore.

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